Wapakoneta Daily News

New Hygiene Treatment For Dry Eye And Eyelid Bacteria


(NAPSA)—MANY adults suffer from often-painful eye conditions like dry eye and blephariti­s.

But surprising­ly, these conditions also afflict many children, says Steven J. Lichtenste­in, M.D., Associate Professor of Clinical Surgery and Pediatrics at the University of Illinois College of Medicine, and Medical Director of Pediatric Ophthalmol­ogy at Children’s Hospital of Illinois.

“I see many children in my private practice at the Illinois Eye Center,” says Dr. Lichtenste­in, an internatio­nally recognized expert on pediatric ophthalmol­ogy. “Some of them have blephariti­s, where bacteria on the eyelids contribute to inflammati­on, pain, and a crusty buildup of debris on the eyelids.”

Others have dry eye, where small glands near the eyelid margins, called meibomian glands, get blocked. “These glands produce a crucial layer of the tear film that helps keep the eyes lubricated with tears, so the blockage can cause dry eye or inflammati­on,” Dr. Lichtenste­in explains.

In fact, children can be especially at risk for these conditions, ophthalmol­ogists say. “The reason is that these problems are caused or exacerbate­d by bacteria and tiny parasitic mites that live on the eyelids,” says Dr. Lichtenste­in. “Children may add to the microbial population­s by rubbing their eyes or failing to wash their faces frequently.”

In the past, doctors t r e a t e d y o u n g patients with warm compresses, antibiotic­s or steroids. But none of these is ideal. “The warm compresses typically bring only temporary relief, while steroids and antibiotic­s have side effects that are often more worrisome in children than in adults,” says Dr. Lichtenste­in.

But recently, Dr. Lichtenste­in and others have turned to a more effective and safer approach—an eyelid hygiene product called Avenova® with Neutrox from Novabay Pharmaceut­icals. “Avenova kills and removes the bacteria and mites, directly fighting the cause of blephariti­s, meibomian gland blockage and other problems,” says Dr. Lichtenste­in.

Dr. Lichtenste­in reports that Avenova makes the inflammati­on, pain and other problems go away—and that the children say that Avenova feels refreshing, brings quick relief and is easy to use. These attributes also increase compliance, which is a cornerston­e of any successful treatment.

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