Wapakoneta Daily News

Looking Back

Through the pages of the Wapakoneta Daily News

- Looking Back is compiled by Everett II

100 YEARS AGO, MARCH 15, 1922

⬛ WANTED AT ONCE—A neat girl for general housework. Must know how to cook and bake. Mrs. Harry Shannon, 308 West Auglaize Street, phone Main 1206.

⬛ The Chevrolet garage on Main and Blackhoof streets has been renamed. Heretofore known as the Reynolds Garage, it will hereafter be known as the Main street garage.

⬛ American Legion men got together last evening in the Anderson and Boesel law library to discuss the methods and means of erecting a proposed community hall and Legion meeting place. No definite plans were evolved owing to the fact that a question regarding the availabili­ty of the location, owned by the Western Ohio on Blackhoof Street, near the bridge, had not been settled. One of the members of the board of education said last week that the plans for a YMCA and public library, as provided by the Blume legacy, will depend upon the outcome of the plans of the Legion boys. If the plans of the Legion carry, a building that is built for services and for ornamental purposes, according to Commander Shaw, will be erected. This would be placed on Blackhoof Street and would be two stories high in front, including American Legion and Women’s Auxiliary rooms. At the rear would be an athletic auditorium, which could be used for all manner of public gatherings such as corn shows, automobile shows, mass meetings, carnivals or convention­s This would be of plain constructi­on with a view to keeping the cost of the structure down.

⬛ At a meeting held last week at which the Legion committee and Chamber of Commerce committee and the Board of Education conferred upon the plan for erecting a YMCA, the Legion members withdrew when it was seen that the plans of the men in charge of the Y project did not conform to the needs of the exservice men They immediatel­y started the ball rolling which will look to the erection of their own community center.

⬛ ADVERTISEM­ENT: HARRY SHANNON BUYS DELCO LIGHT PLANT—HARRY Shannon, the well known theatrical manager, has purchased a 1250-watt Delco Light plant of the H K & K Roofing Co., of New Knoxville, Ohio, for use in lighting up his tent shows during the summer season. The plant will be mounted upon a separate Ford ton truck and will be installed by the dealers in order that he may use it when his company takes the road for the coming season. In purchasing the plant Mr. Shannon stated that during his travels he had noted that ore Delco plants were being used all over the country than any others and that the users were satisfied with their efficiency. It was owing to this fact that he decided to buy a Delco in preference to other makes.

75 YEARS AGO, MARCH 15, 1947

⬛ Elementary School News—4-b: The Star Rating for Drill No. 11 in our arithmetic was made by Jimmy Spees, Jean Reineke, Barbara Vance, Tom Smith, Douglass Reed, Barbara Seitz, Sally Schofer, and Mac Walker. This is the first time we had made eight star ratings. Fourteen pupils made a rating of 10 because they missed only one problem out of the 15.

⬛ An unwelcome visitor in Four-b has been the mumps. The following have been ill because of the mumps: Carolyn Romshe, Jimmy Spees, Joe Lamborne, Homer Sprague, Doris Metzger, Donald Malueg, Kenneth Tobias, Robert Schroer, and Douglas Reed. Each of these children has missed a week or more of school.

⬛ FOR Rent—sleeping room for gentleman, in modern home, private entrance. William Knarr, 401 E. Mechanic St., Main 1674

⬛ John Kogge & Sons, Moulton, Ohio—electrical Contractor­s. All Kind Electrical Wiring. Call New Knoxville 377

50 YEARS AGO, MARCH 15, 1972

⬛ Ronald Shafer, head football coach and teacher at Wapakoneta High School, has announced his resignatio­n, effective at the end of this school year. Shafer has been accepted by Ball State University, Muncie, for a program that will allow him to earn his master’s degree. He will also be assigned to the football staff at Ball State.

⬛ The Auglaize County unit of the American Cancer Society held its annual Charity Ball at the Knights of Columbus on North Dixie Highway. As reported by chairman Luella Ballweg, the event was a success, with profit being realized to a sum of $527.

25 YEARS AGO, MARCH 15, 1997

⬛ A gala celebratio­n was held at Brown’s Restaurant, marking the 45th anniversar­y of the founding of the Wapakoneta Chapter of Soroptimis­t Internatio­nal. President Glenna Mccormick presided over the festivitie­s, which included the recognitio­n of past presidents. Past presidents receiving special recognitio­n were Stella Zink, 1952 and a charter member; Lavina Stolte, 1963-64; Dorothy Howe, 1968-70; Evon Schlenker, 197072; Twila Nihiser, 1974-76; Violet Hardin, 1976-78; Dorothy Crawford, 1978-79; Mary Hall, 1981-93; and Janice Longsworth, 1993-95. Vernice Peters of Coshocton, the group’s first president in 1952-53, is the only other living charter member.

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