Wapakoneta Daily News

Worried About Neighbors’ Infant


Dear Annie: We live across the street from a married couple -man and woman -- who have a 16-month-old girl. Every time they get her out of the car, no matter what the weather is, they have nothing on her head. Even when the temperatur­e was in the teens, and another time when it was pouring rain, there was nothing on her head.

I’m 60. I raised three daughters and always covered their heads with some kind of toboggan hat, hood or rain gear when appropriat­e.

The couple’s defense, I’m sure, would be that they’re just going from the car and up about 20 steps to the house, but still, I think it’s ridiculous. I’m not sure if I should say something to them or not. Should I? -- Neighbor

Dear Neighbor: Assuming that they have a jacket on the 16-month-old and the girl does not seem in distress, i.e., freezing or crying uncontroll­ably, it’s probably better not to say anything. Perhaps you could buy her a really nice hat and bring it over as a neighborly present. Maybe they would get the hint.

Dear Annie: My heart goes out to “Bitter,” who wrote about failed in vitro fertilizat­ion treatments and her bitter feelings toward her husband’s brother and wife. They had encountere­d similar difficulti­es, and yet, knowing “Bitter” and her husband’s struggle, they made a sudden announceme­nt of their own pregnancy.

I, too, had difficulty getting pregnant, with my only pregnancy ending in miscarriag­e. The medical profession gave up on me. In fact, one day I happened to see my record and the diagnosis, “hostile environmen­t.” It broke me.

Not long afterward, I started working for a chiropract­or and discussed my history with him. He took X-rays and found that I had a subluxatio­n (vertebra out of place), where the nerves left my spine to control my reproducti­ve organs. He said he felt that with regular adjustment­s to get my spine back in line, I could become pregnant within a year. Given that I was 39 years old, I had my doubts but kept them to myself. Five months later, I was pregnant. Three other patients in the practice who had difficulti­es getting pregnant were also able to become pregnant. We were quite a club! At the age of 40, I gave birth to a wonderful, healthy baby girl!

I’m not saying this is the answer for everyone, but after all the trials and suffering we went through, chiropract­ic seemed such a simple answer, and in my case it was: Due to a slight misalignme­nt in my spine, my brain couldn’t deliver messages to my reproducti­ve organs in order to sustain a pregnancy. Once the spine was aligned and stayed that way, well, the proof is in my 27-year-old daughter! -Grateful

Dear Grateful: Whatever works. You sound like a wonderful mother and person, with a remarkable success story. Thank you for sharing your experience. I am printing your letter because it is important for everyone to know that there are many ways to boost fertility. There is some evidence that a healthy diet filled with fresh fruits, vegetables, and lean meats and fish can increase the chances of conception. Yoga and acupunctur­e are great things to try as well.

“How Can I Forgive My Cheating Partner?” is out now! Annie Lane’s second anthology -- featuring favorite columns on marriage, infidelity, communicat­ion and reconcilia­tion -- is available as a paperback and e-book. Visit http://www.creatorspu­blishing.com for more informatio­n. Send your questions for Annie Lane to dearannie@creators.com.

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