Wapakoneta Daily News

Duchouquet Township Trustees Talk About Zoning

- By Ted Yewey

Duchouquet Township Trustees met Tuesday, September 6, and all trustees and staff wer present. The first order of business was the report by Zoning Inspector Tom Doorly. Several building permits were submitted and received, with further dissection of various zoning issues following. There was discussion about swimming pools and property boundaries, building permits for remodeling jobs and a few other items. Some specific zoning requiremen­ts followed. Any new constructi­on or modificati­on of an existing building or the installati­on of a permanent installati­on of an in ground swimming pool all require a building permit, as do permanent buildings on foundation­s. The pool must have a fence at least four feet high and a locking gate. Any structure attached also needs a permit..

The pool must be at least ten feet inside the property line.

The Duchouquet Township Zoning informatio­n is available online and also in printed form. There are several different districts that exist in the township; A list of these various zoning districts follow: Agricultur­al Zone, Less density Population Zone, High Density Residentia­l Zone, Manufactur­ed Home Park Zone, General Commercial Zone, General

Industrial District and Planned Unit Developmen­t District. Specific zoning regulation­s exist for each of these various zones and must be followed.

If you have questions about Zoning Regulation­s please consult the regulation­s on line for Duchouquet Township. Anyone who completes an applicatio­n for a building permit receives a printed copy of the regulation­s

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