Wapakoneta Daily News

Looking Back

Through the pages of the Wapakoneta Daily News

- Looking Back is compiled by Everett II


„ FREE PENCILS for the kiddies, Saturday at 9 am until 9 pm. 1 Pencil Free with each Big 10 Tablet -10 cents each. We have a complete line of School Supplies, such as Tablets, School Buckets, Pencils, Rulers, Erasers, Crayons, Paints, School Bags, etc. Visit Our Ribbon Department and see some real values. Our Motto: “Service, Quality Merchandis­e for the Lowest Possible Prices” - The Wright 5 & 10 Cent store

„ Overlookin­g a valuable beagle hound puppy left sleeping in the garage, thieves made away with the big Hudson touring car owned by Attorney Otto Boesel. The car was drive out of the garage at the Boesel home on West Mechanic street after midnight. The thief gained entrance to the garage through a window on the alley. He had used a box to stand upon while he pried the window open. The big doors of the shed were opened by removing a bolt from the inside. The car was driven through an alley at the rear of the C.C. Nardin, S.L. Heisler, and M. Wm. Hamilton homes, east of Ohio street, cracks in the earth indicated. Only the eight week old Beagle pup was left in the shed.

„ WANTED-ROOMERS at 202 East Benton Street

„ Joe Drexler, the Gardener, will take orders to deliver Good Tomatoes at $1.oo per bushel from now until September 15. Delivered at any time.

„ Fishing down the Auglaize River is reported “not s bad.” Harry Kahn who angled in the muddy waters, west of the city on the W.L. Melching farm, corralled four fish of various sizes and kinds, mostly catfish. Other members of the party were able to catch only crawdads.

„ The R.L. Graham refrigerat­or truck, used to haul ice cream, from the plant in Lima to the patrons of the company in Wapakoneta, Cridersvil­le, St. Marys, and other places in the county, was ditched two miles south of Cridersvil­le this morning. Al Bidwell, the driver, was uninjured and the truck was only slightly damaged. Part of the cargo of ice cream and ice was destroyed, and local ice cream parlor men, who were expecting their Saturday’s supply early were disappoint­ed in having to wait. The truck was on the Dixie highway and went over in the ditch on the west side of the road.

„ FOR Sale-concord grapes, also white grapes. Carl Vossler, 605 Murray street, Phone Canal 1254

„ Members of the board of directors of the Wilmington Telephone Co., visited the Wapakoneta exchanged Thursday morning, tat company contemplat­ing building a new exchange. They were accompanie­d by the manager of the company and the wire chief. The visitors expressed themselves as being favorable toward the local exchange.


„ We recommend that every pupil be furnished with a good No. 2 pencil and a pencil tablet of standard size. Most texts are unchanged but parents should not buy out of date editions of our text books. Children in graves V VI, VII, and VIII need a good elementary school dictionary. It will be used by them continuing through the high school.

„ 2nd Grade-beacon Second Reader, 53 cents

„ 3rd Grade-beacon Third Reader, 57 cents; Essentials in English I, 53 cents; Pearson-suzzallo Speller I, 20 cents; Every Day Arithmetic, Primary, 60 cents….

„ Seniors-required-american Literature, $1.16; Advanced American History, $1.62

„ Elect from these two-first Course in Chemistry, $1.32; Laboratory Manuell for Same, 80 cents; Elementary Economics, $1.46; Business English, $1.23; Bookkeepin­g II and Shorthand; Agricultur­e; Elementary Social Problems

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