Wapakoneta Daily News

Bless Your Heart!

Email me at: blessyourh­eart.wdn@outlook.com

- By Bethany Parsons

Hey y’all! Last night, I had the evening alone. Callie stayed at my momma’s, so Daisy and I had a nice quiet evening at home getting started on the new season of Virgin River. If you’ve not started watching it, you are missing out!! I really want to read the books, but let’s be honest; I hardly have the time to watch the show!

I’ve had an interestin­g week. I, unfortunat­ely, can’t talk about it, but just know you’ve missed a lot of stuff!

Today, I want to talk to you about being a thief of joy. Now I’m a firm believer that comparison is a thief of joy. If you are all the time trying to catch up to the Joneses, instead of considerin­g that there are people trying to catch up to you, you are missing a lot of blessings. That isn’t the direction I’m going though. I’m going in the direction of guidance. If you feel in your heart that you need to do something, the Lord placed that desire there and you know without a doubt that you need to move; you better move. It doesn’t matter if Jim Bob next door don’t like it. If you are acting solely with good intensions, let the Lord straighten it out. However, you are acting for your own benefit and you are being a thorn in someone’s side because of it; you are in the wrong.

Listen, it’s not our job to tell others what they should be doing. Here me out:

If you want to run for mayor, do it! If you want to open a new store front, do it! We as people want to ask others what their opinion is to see if it’s a good idea. In reality, most of the time we ask to see if the other person would be suppose and spend money with your business.

I am a firm believer that the Lord placed children on my heart because he knew I’d only have one biological­ly. I’ve taught school, Sunday school, disciplesh­ip, therapy…. the list continues. We as adults need to set a better example for our youth to follow and being strong and confident in ourselves that other people can’t and won’t break us. Follow your heart. Other people don’t matter. As Dr. Seuss said, Those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind”.

Do what you want, bless your heart! I pray you have an amazing weekend, and I hope it’s cooling down for you in the great state Ohio.

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