Wapakoneta Daily News

Looking Back

Through the pages of the Wapakoneta Daily News


MAY 21, 1949

Miss Mary Jean Wylie, Home Demonstrat­ion Agent, will broadcast at 12:15 pm May 24 over WIMA, Lima, radio. She will discuss “What’s New in Salads.”

A son was born to MM George Miller, Wapakoneta Route 4, at the family residence on May 18.

Nine Blume High School students have been notified that they have received state awards in the scholarshi­p tests taken May 4 at Ohio Northern University. Charles Copeland ranked 6th in the state in physics, Division II; Dean Presar, 8th in biology in Division II; Robert Craig,

15th in biology, Division II; Guy Crossley, 9th in general science in Division II; Don Richardson, 17th in general science in Division II; Lynn Deniston, 14th in plane geometry in Division II; Jerry Hardacre, honorable mention in Algebra I, Division II; and Charles Earl, 4th in American History, Division II. Division II includes all schools in the state having an enrollment of between 200 and 300 pupils.

FOR Sale—yellow Jersey Sweet Potato plants, cabbage and tomato plants, cauliflowe­r and egg plants. Mrs. Harry Hay, 308 E. Benton St.

Notice to Farmers—deliveries can now be made from the Buckland quarry for ground limestone. For courteous service—call Buckland 20, W.E. Steveley

CANE SEED—TRY growing a patch of Can this year. It will not take a very large patch to produce enough sorghum for the average family. One-fourth acre will produce 15 to 30 gallons of sorghum, depending on sugar content. Sorghum can be used in many ways in baking and cooking and also on the table. Sorghum is one of the most healthful sweets you can eat. Seed can be secured at the various elevators and feed stores or at our mill. Metzger Bros., Fort Jennings, Ohio

Jacob Bigler of 306 West Main street, turned 88 years old yesterday. A native of Auglaize county, he is a retired farmer and also served for about 11 years as superinten­dent of the Auglaize County Home.

This column has learned that a doctor who was extremely interested in establishi­ng an office in this city has decided to locate in Upper Sandusky. You’ll recall that a hospital is to be constructe­d in that city. No word has been received locally on how the hospital plans for that county sear city are progressin­g.

Twenty-nine seniors will be graduated from St. Joseph High School on May 29. The commenceme­nt exercises will be held at St. Joseph Church, with the Reverend J.D. Sigmund, professor at the Carthagena seminary, as principal speaker. Members of the graduating lass are: Mary Anthony, Gladys Goeke, Rosemary Wehner, Ruth Oen, Shirley Schneider, Lucille Limbert, Betty Ann Kah, Iva Lou Long, Sylvia Fisher, Jean Goeke, Maxine Garrett, Barbara Zink, Harry Gehrlich, Don Koenig, William Walters, Bernard Schweitzer, Richard Metzger, Richard Vossler, George Vaubel, James Koenig, and Paul Koenig.

Happy Birthday, May 21—

Charles Blank, Wapakoneta Route 4 Mrs. Albert Roode, Wapakoneta Route 5

Leo Gerstner, 616 West Pearl Street Announcing Opening of Real Estate Branch Office of Banfill Realty Co. at 512 S. Ohio Street, Phone 4874. Associate Art Gilbert, local auctioneer

Progressiv­e Social, St. Joseph Church Basement and School, May 22m 8 pm. Public Invited

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