Washington County Enterprise-Leader

Senior Center Plans ‘Misfits’ Dance July 10


There’s no place like home, but since I have been back from Kansas, much of my time has been spent at home as I picked up a “bug” and haven’t been very good company for anyone.

I did, however, go to the car show here in Lincoln. The Chamber of Commerce were so kind to set me up a table in the building where it was cool to sell bake goods for Meals on Wheels. I thank them for being so kind to allow me to do that.

What a success the show was. There were some beautiful cars that came from all over and what a sight to behold. The day was absolutely beautiful and everyone enjoyed the shade of the beautiful trees on the square.

The Misfits dance is July 10; speaker on nutrition for seniors, July 11; trip to the farmers market June 12 and Jackie to do nails June 16.

The center will be closed Wednesday to celebrate July 4 but will be open Thursday and Friday.

We did go to Elkins to play beanbag baseball and we each won a game and what fun we had. If you are interested in getting involved come on down and get signed up.

Keep in mind the things that go on regularly here at the center: cards, puzzles, Bible study, Bingo, free blood pressures, crochet classes, gospel singing, and if that isn’t enough, come down and give us some ideas and we will start them as well.

We also have the TOPS club meeting here weekly. So if you are interested in losing weight check that out. And don’t forget the delicious meals at 11:15 each weekday too.

Well, all, please enjoy the Fourth with your loved ones and make it a safe one.

Have a great week, keep smiling, keep healthy and God bless.

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