Washington County Enterprise-Leader

Using English But Speaking Different Language


The trouble with people who talk too fast is that they often say something they haven’t thought about yet.

“He who guards his mouth and his tongue keeps himself from calamity.” Proverbs 21:23

One day my wife, her twin sister and myself were driving to their hometown of Wynne, Ark., so that they could sing in a wedding. Both Shelli and Sulyn are great singers and they were practicing what was to me a very operatic sounding song. When we got to around Brinkley, I said, “Everything is flat.”

Shelli and Sulyn both stopped singing and looked

“He who guards his mouth and his tongue keeps himself from calamity.” Proverbs 21:23

at me with astonished eyes. They looked at each other and back to me again.

Sulyn said, “Well it’s because we want to save our voices.”

Shelli said, “We probably could sing all the right notes if you want.”

I thought to myself, “Where’s all the trees?”

We were using English but talking in completely different tongues.

I had no clue that certain notes of songs can tire out voices so you only hit them when you really sing it. I’m a drive- down- the- road-radio- blaring- singing at the top of my voice kinda guy. If you see me in my truck my head is probably bobbing.

It comes in handy while you’re driving up and down the hills of Northwest Arkansas. But as you drive east, the hills stop rolling and the trees start disappeari­ng. The world becomes, well, flat.

I gave them my confused look ( which is sorta my signature look, by the way) and said, “No, the road. Look no hills.”

They got a good laugh out of that.

I’ve always wondered why I just didn’t keep quiet or say, “Sure, girls, hit the high notes.” They would have really been impressed then. But, I didn’t. And now my secret is out. I know nothing about music. Except how to turn it up. Let us pray. Dear Lord. You are such a gracious host, Lord God of all creation. Who are we to receive such goodness? You prepare a table for us, amidst our daily struggles, our successes and failures, even in the presence of our enemies. You anoint us, wash us, feed us. You do all this Lord.

Yet we confess that we tend to see our daily bread solely in terms of our own handiwork.

But we are not self- sufficient. We need you. Forgive us. Let us learn to give thanks to You for your great gracious grace. In Christ’s name we pray. Amen.

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