Washington County Enterprise-Leader

Fake News Repeated As If It Were The Gospel


You can only have one thought at a time, so make it a good one!

“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable — if anything is excellent or praisewort­hy —think about such things. And the God of peace will be with you.” Philippian­s 4:8-9

There’s a couple of fake news sites out there that my old pea brain just can’t wrap my mind around. The kids love them. But what’s funny is when they take the fake stories and then try to repeat them as truth. (What’s even funnier is when there’s a kernel of truth in the fake story.)

One of the kids at church was telling me about a study the Department of Health and Human Services supposedly did this past year. In the study, they were said to have taken 100 grown men and asked them what they would do in a fight.

On camera, these men showed off their best fight moves. Knee butts; uppercuts; spin kicks; they were all there. And they performed them flawlessly while fighting the air.

When the DHS asked the men how long the fight would last almost every time they would say, “Six seconds.”

But then the DHS was supposed to have brought in people to fight them. Something strange occurred. Not one of the spin kicks or fancy Kung Fu fighting moves came into the picture. In fact, in the video spoof, most of the fights ended with someone getting put into a head lock.

The time of the mock fight was generally around six seconds.

The fake report concluded that men think that they’re 4,000 percent better at fighting than they actually are.

Like I said. Fake news. Fake report. It’s all fictional entertainm­ent. There was no study. There was no DHS report. It was all just made up.

But the kid that was telling me about it repeated it like it was the gospel truth. So, I asked. “What would you do in a fight?”

I was shown a rather impressive display of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle moves. Complete with the “Hayahs!”

I then asked, very seriously, “Well then. What would you do in case of a tickle fight?”

With one index finger I had him on the ground screaming, “Stop! Stop! I give! I give!”

It took six seconds.

I don’t know what the deal is with men. We all think we’re Chuck Norris. But in reality we’re Erkle.

If you want to be a real tough guy, then learn to open the door for the girl in front of you. Or tell someone you respect their opinion and there’s no need to get ugly over it. (Unless of course they’re dissing the Razorbacks.) Learn respect and show love. That’s what real men do.

Christ could have ridden into Jerusalem on an iron clad white horse wielding the blue Jedi master light-saber while empowering his disciples to look like The Rock. Forget the 300. Christ had the 12! There could have been action and adventure and fight scenes to make Michael Bay jealous.

Wanna be a real man? Then learn to say, “Yes, Sweetheart. I’m wrong.” Let us pray. Father, we are your people, chosen by you. Help us to listen, to understand, and to remember. Let your presence be real to each of us. As we pray, may it be just like speaking with you. As we listen, help us to concentrat­e, so that we really hear your word, and help us to take in and retain all that we hear, see, and experience this day. In Christ’s name we pray. Amen.

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