Washington County Enterprise-Leader

Finding Where Family Had Moved

- MARIE ROY WCN Columnist

I had often wondered where the Coffin family had moved to, after fire destroyed their bakery, north of the square.

Their daughter, Fern, and I were classmates in the first grade and I often thought of her. After reading the column, Juanita McClellan called and said she had been acquainted with the family when they moved to Fayettevil­le. They had enjoyed trips together over the years, and she still is in contact with one of the sons, who lives in Oklahoma. He is the only surviving member of the family.

This is one of the benefits of writing this column. Thanks to each one who calls, reminiscin­g and now helping me to get everything straight and in order, though most now can’t help with events of the ’30s and ’40s.

Most current events in Lincoln area concern the Apple Festival, continuing to make history here as well.

We are reminded daily, there is an upcoming election — with signs everywhere and some much- needed cleanup. A crew was even chopping down poison ivy that had grown rampant all summer along the edge of the sidewalk, and cleaning up a pile of broken glass that had laid there for ages between the street and sidewalk, this just off the square.

Some humor: Comparing notes —

Two pre- schoolers met in a park.

What child-care place do you go to? asked the first one.

“I’m homegrown,” said the second one.

Now, October and it is eat- better month, eat- together month, bake and decorate, chili, cookie, pork, seafood, vegetarian, popcorn poppin’, pasta and dessert month; also class reunion, book, car care, pajama, positive attitude and child health month.

Happy birthday to Joyce Bradley, Rusty Chambliss, Cindy Lyons, Thomas Stathkis, Amanda Barenberg, Linda Munyon, Jerry Leach, Rob Collins , Mada lynn Bradley.

Happy anniversar­y to James and Lillian Nash. Happy years, all. Remember recycling Monday. MARIE ROY IS A LIFELONG RESIDENT OF LINCOLN AND HAS WRITTEN FOR THE ENTERPRISE-LEADER FOR MORE THAN 30 YEARS.

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