Washington County Enterprise-Leader

What’s Happening


FARMINGTON Christmas Event

Farmington Kiwanis Christ is set for 7 p.m. Saturday, Dec. - on Southwinds Drive and end Church. Festvities start at 5 pm. sponsored by Farmington High FFA at 5 p.m. Cost for the dinner is $5 per person. Other activities - - tos. Rain date is Dec. 13. This -

Gift Give-Away

First Baptist Church on Rheas again have its outreach ministry, is set for 9 a.m. to noon, or un - day, Dec. 6, at the church, 589 church to host an indoor yard are given away for free. Church members and other groups are encouraged to bring items from junk or broken items. If items - - baby items and shoes. For more informatio­n, contact Barry Smith, senior pastor, 479-2673159.

Project Graduation

- High commons area Saturday, Dec. 6 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Ad-

mission is $2 per person.

LINCOLN Christmas On Square

- - day, Dec. 13 on the downtown

PRAIRIE GROVE Commemorat­ion

- and 7. This is the 152nd anniver - - - ing 19th century reproducti­ons, books and souvenirs. Admission A presentati­on marking the Bat 1 p.m. each day.

Breakfast Buffet

- fet on Saturday, Dec. 6, from

Parents Night Out

Parents Night Out hosted by - - com.

Christmas Food Boxes

Covenant Church are putting - Dec. 6. If you need food for your person to the North end of the ID for everyone in the house

RHEAS MILL Chili Supper

Supper is set for 6 p.m., Dec 6, - ask for Steve.

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