Washington County Enterprise-Leader

Give God Credit For Good You Do, Leave The Devil Out Of It


“But store up for yourself treasures in heaven….” Matthew 6:19

When the boys were little, we were pastoring three small churches near Clarksvill­e. We had 9, 10 and 11 a.m. services. The churches were located about 10 minutes apart so needless to say, we were always in a hurry.

Which is not the best state of mind to be in when you have three little ones.

I’d get through preaching at one, sing a closing song, say a closing prayer and we’d grab the kiddos up, race to the car to get to the next one. At the last church, the boys had a little side room off of the sanctuary they went into. We, as parents, were very relieved for this because there’s only so many times that three little boys will sit still to hear a sermon. Even one daddy did.

As we would walk into the church my oldest would wave and say, “Hello, Everybody!” and then march right into the side room. My middle son would smile and nod in a cool way, knowing that his older brother had already made introducti­ons so all he needed to do was nonchalant­ly walk to the room with the toys. And my youngest would let go of Mommy’s hand as we walked into the sanctuary and throw his arms in the air and say, “Tada!!!!” Which would always make the congregati­on who had been checking their watches and wondering when the pastor would get there, smile and all tardiness was forgiven.

The boys were always good. The room was close enough that we could hear everything they said, and for the most part, they played quietly. But every once in a while tempers would flare because of the already long days and a GI Joe would get smashed up against a wall or a Hot Wheels car would inexplicab­ly zoom by the front row pews.

One day, the boys were all just in bad moods. And you could hear it. We’d be recit- ing the Apostle’s Creed and in the middle you’d hear one cry out, “Mine!”

During the Offertory another would say, “I’m gonna tell!”

It was nothing but smiles from the congregati­on. They loved watching their preacher and sweet preacher’s wife squirm with embarrassm­ent, trying to assess whether or not to stop services to go back and get into the middle of it.

After service was finished we all loaded back up into the car and immediatel­y we both started to get onto the boys. To the oldest we’d say, “You know better than that!” To the middle one we’d say, “Do you know everyone could hear you being mean to your brother?” And to the youngest one we made the mistake of saying, “Why would you act like that?”

Imagine our surprise when he said in the slurred words of a three-year-old just learning to talk like a big boy, “Momma. The devil made me do it.”

Oh the things kids learn in church.

For some reason we want to blame the bad things we do on someone else. If there’s no one else handy, then we’ll just blame it on the devil.

But how often do we blame God for the good things we’ve done? Why don’t we say, “Yes I helped that homeless person. God made me do it.” We want to take credit first and then, maybe, tell people that the good things we do are because of our faith in God.

Today, tell someone that you’re there to help them because God made you do it. The devil gets enough credit in our lives. Let us pray. Gracious God. Today we pray that you will help us to understand that all good thing flow from you. Let our lives be open books to your grace and majesty and let us learn to give you credit for all the good we do. In Christ’s name we pray. Amen.

The Blessings of our Lord Jesus Christ be With You.

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