Washington County Enterprise-Leader

Shock, Anger — Tell Me Why, Orlando?

- Ron Wood

Shock. Anger. Sadness. Outrage. All of these emotions rolled through me. A talented young singer shot down in cold blood. A bloody massacre by a killer who knew what he was doing. An alligator dragged away a child at Disney World. All within four days in Orlando. What is going on there? I’m praying for your city!

Dozens died inside the gay club in Orlando. Many were in the LGBT community. The killer was a Muslim man who struggled with his own same-sex desires but was defeated by his shame. This was a hate crime mixed with a terrorist attack.

Islamic ideology represses sexuality. It devalues women. It denies that homosexual­s exist within its borders. It purges anyone caught in same-sex acts. Under Sharia Islamic law, homosexual­ity is punishable by death.

The conflicted Orlando killer was bent toward violence by his indoctrina­tion, by the Imams in Mosques who preach hatred of Christians, Jews, and gays.

In Islam, any non-Muslim is an infidel. By killing infidels as a good soldier of Islam, he could die a Jihad martyr in a holy war. That’s why he called 911, so the call would be recorded as he swore loyalty to ISIS, a group devoted to radical terrorism. He wanted to become a martyr. Based on his faith, if he died as a martyr, then his shame would be forgiven, he would avoid going to hell, and he would be guaranteed a place in Paradise. Sorry, pal, but that’s not how it works. You know that by now.

I’m a Bible-believing, Spirit-filled pastor. I was raised in the South. But I need to say something to those Christians who rejoiced over the deaths of men and women in Orlando because they were gay or lesbians. Shame on you! The hatred in your heart means that you are no better than the ISIS killers or Islamic radicals you disdain.

“Call fire down from heaven?” When the disciples suggested that to Jesus, he said, “You don’t know what spirit you are of!” You can’t defeat hate with hate. Who’s next? Muslims? Mexicans? Celibate Christian singles? I once held hatred, but my Jesus set me free! A spirit of hate is from the father of hate, Satan. Our Savior doesn’t hate. He loves. He died for sinners. So I pray for sinners to be saved and I stay out of the Judges seat.

Each person in that club who died had a soul. Their lives mattered. No one had the right to kill them! I’m sympatheti­c to their suffering and I uphold their rights. I pray for them.

Jesus taught us that hatred “without a cause” puts us in danger of hell fire. Hating others based on prejudice is unjust. In God’s view, hating is equivalent to murder.

I hold to a hope based on what I’ve seen of God’s power. I know that anyone, anywhere who cries out to the Lord for forgivenes­s can be saved. He is mighty to deliver! Jesus saves all those who call on him. Everybody needs to be saved.

My advice? If you are tempted to judge, get the log out of your own eye before you try to get the speck out of theirs. “Do not judge so that you will not be judged. For in the way you judge, you will be judged.” (Jesus, Matthew 7:1) I hope everyone who reads this will join me in praying for Orlando to be blessed and become known for huge numbers of people turning to the Lord to be saved.


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