Washington County Enterprise-Leader

Spiritual Trees Are Out There Waiting To Be Climbed: Go Climb


Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success.

“When God enables any man to accept his lot and be happy in his work—this is a gift of God. He seldom reflects on the days of his life, because God keeps him occupied with gladness of heart.” Ecclesiast­es 5:19-20

I’ve decided my tree climbing days are done.

A couple of years ago, I was climbing trees left and right, cutting out branches after the tornado hit Vilonia. You’d have thought I was a kid, climbing all over stuff.

Oh, what a difference a couple of years make.

Two months ago, I decided to trim the tree branches at the parsonage. We’ve got this huge maple tree in the backyard and the branches were starting to grow so low that you couldn’t walk without one slapping you in the face. So I grabbed my disaster relief chain saw, got out the ladder and put on my bib overalls and slipped on my steel toe boots. I was ready to face that old maple tree head on.

Which unfortunat­ely, I did. Twice. After a multitude of scratches, scrapes and bruises, I decided that I’m just getting too old to do stuff like that anymore. It’s not that I don’t want to. I enjoy doing those things. But for some reason, my muscle memory has become shortterm now.

You know how you used to be able to climb trees because your muscles knew which branch to put pressure on and which ones to nimbly avoid?

Yeah. Not so much anymore.

I was thinking about that when I read the story about Zacchaeus for church. The Bible never tells us how old Zacchaeus was. It tells us he was short. It says that he was rich. It talks about how people hated him. It says he had a big house. But never does it say one word about how old he was.

Which to me is a really important detail!

We know that he had to be pretty old. You don’t get into a position that he had by being young. He had a family. And, he had made a whole bunch of enemies, which takes a bit of time.

It’s important to me because it truly speaks about having a child- like faith. After all, here was this important, pompous, hated tax collector; probably dressed in what passed for a pressed three-piece suit and black tie. The last thing you’d expect from him is to run like a child on a playground, trying to get ahead of the crowd. Or to shimmy up a tree, just to get a look at Jesus.

Then when Jesus told him to come down, the Bible said he immediatel­y did so. Not hesitate and gingerly pick his branches, but immediatel­y like a child would do.

His excitement is infectious and his zeal is a role model for me.

Did he face plant on the bark? Did he come away with scrapes, scratches and bruises? Was he sore the next day?

Or do you think any of that mattered to him?

Maybe the time for tree climbing is in the past. But there are still spiritual trees just waiting for me to climb. And it’s my prayer that like Zacchaeus, I can swing from the branches and not care about ever falling because I know Jesus will be there to catch me. Let us pray. Our Precious Savior. When we think of the challenges we have in life, it can sometimes be overwhelmi­ng. The branches are never low enough and the bark is always too rough. But because of your sacrifice, we know that the trees of life can always be conquered. Because you give us strength, hope and love. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

The blessings of Our Lord Jesus Christ be upon you.

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