Washington County Enterprise-Leader

Farmington Holds Serve Against Prairie Grove


FARMINGTON — The Lady Cardinals held serve defeating Prairie Grove 3-1 by scores of 25-14, 25-18, 21-25, and 25-12 to win round-one of the volleyball rivalry on Thursday, Sept. 5 at Cardinal Arena.

“It’s our home-opener. We came out a little bit tight. We knew it was Prairie Grove so there’s a lot of emotion for both sides. Played through it, tried to get everybody under control. Got some youth on the team so it’s fun to see them in front of the home crowd playing with passion, playing with emotion and getting a win in conference,” said Farmington coach Mike Howard.

The first set featured an early battle. Prairie Grove held a one-point lead before Kally Stout’s kill evened the score at 6-all. Remington Adams produced an ace putting Farmington ahead 10-9. Addison Fenton’s block-kill helped Farmington pull away with a 17-13 advantage. Addy Cassell contribute­d a pair of aces extending the margin to 23-13.

Fenton finished off the Lady Tigers with a strong block-kill in the first set, then replicated the feat with Farmington winning game two, 25-18. Prairie Grove avoided a sweep by claiming the third set, 25-21. Farmington dominated the third set.

According to Howard the 4A-1 Conference is up for grabs this season.

“We graduated some people and other schools around the conference graduated a whole lot of people with experience and so it’s really up in the air and I told the team that. Every day I was like, ‘Hey, there’s nothing guaranteed. Everything’s up. We got a chance to do big things and just play to our side of the volleyball,” Howard said.

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