Washington County Enterprise-Leader

What We Say To Ourselves Affects How We Build Up Each Other

- Jodi Hendricks Daily Time With God

In I Corinthian­s 3:30 we read, “By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as a wise builder, and someone else is building on it. But each one should build with care.” (NIV)

Fact: We are either building up or tearing down. You say you aren’t a builder so how can you be building up or tearing down? We do it daily, to ourselves and to others.

I just read this quote from

Paul Tripp that was a Leroy Jethro Gibbs’ tap for me (a reference to the TV show NCIS), “No one is more influentia­l in your life than you are because no one talks to you more than you do.”

Most of us don’t think of ourselves as being influentia­l, but when it comes to our own lives, no one has more power than we do.

We are constantly talking to ourselves about what is happening in the moment, how we respond to situations, our plans, what we think of others, about God, our likes and dislikes, and more. Even the quietest person you know is a constant talker to themselves.

Every one of us talks to ourselves every day, but what are we saying to ourselves? Are we building ourselves up with God’s Word, His promises, His truths? Do we point out our strengths? Or are we tearing ourselves down with the world’s lies, with what we think others think of us, constantly going over all our weaknesses?

How about how we think of others, what are we saying to ourselves about others? Are we building them up or chipping away at them as we talk to ourselves about them? Do we build them up with prayer, focusing on their good qualities, or do we tear them down with judgment and ridicule?

Sadly, I think many times we are so much better at chipping away and slowly tearing down than we are at building up. We tend to focus on the negative in our life and in others, we judge ourselves and others, slowly chipping away at confidence and positivity. We listen too closely to the world’s gospel and not the Truth.

How do we change when we start tearing down, how do we stop, how do we choose to build up?

Always first and foremost, go to God, talk with God, ask Him to help you see yourself as He does.

Read God’s word and have it in your heart and mind so when things aren’t going so great, when your kids are driving you crazy, when work is overwhelmi­ng, when a co-worker has thrown you under the bus, when you can’t do the things you used to, you can have an uplifting conversati­on with yourself, reminding yourself of the promises in God’s Word.

Knowing who you belong to and how He sees you will help you build yourself up and avoid tearing others down.

What are you telling yourself, whose gospel are you preaching to yourself, the world’s or God’s? As you talk to yourself today, when you start to tear down, stop! Recall God’s word, remember the truths you have learned, tell yourself what you have learned and know it is truth from God. We all must build with care.


“Most of us don’t think of ourselves as being

influentia­l, but when it comes to our own lives, no one has more power than we do.”

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