Washington County Enterprise-Leader

Relief From Weather, News Cycle

- Lincoln Lifestyles MARIE ROY WCEL Columnist

A relief is needed from every day, monotonous weather news (70 degrees in February?) or politics. When the candidates fight with each other, how could they be able to serve or rule our country?

So here is some informatio­n: Don’t throw away your greeting cards received at Christmas or other times. Just cut off the front part with no writing, and no Hallmark, American Greetings or Disney cards, due to copy right restrictio­ns.

Send cards to St.Jude’s Ranch for children, 100 St Jude’s St., Boulder City, NV 89005, or you can donate through the website: StJudesRan­ch. org. Monetary donations are accepted.

Already we are into the month of “March winds.” March is also Red Cross month, honor society awareness, Music in our schools, National athletic training, youth art, caffeine awareness, frozen foods, nutrition, optimism, collision, craft, ideas, National on hold, women’s history, umbrella, poison prevention awareness, and save your vision month.

Daylight saving time begins March 8, and St. Patrick’s Day is March 17, when many gardeners plant their potatoes, the beginning of spring for them.

Now a little humor. A woman from the city stopped in at the country store and asked the clerk for some fresh meat.

“I’m sorry, ma’am,” he said. “All we have that’s fresh is cow tongue.”

She made a face. “Oh! I won’t eat anything that came out of an animal’s mouth” she said.

“Yes ma’am, I understand,” he replied. “In that case, may I suggest our farm fresh eggs?”

Happy birthday to Bud Cox, Paul Metcalf, Jackson Griscom, Michael Snarr, Mikey Roy, and special greetings to three special people who have a “birthday” every four years, Lois Uselton, Addison Roy and Brenna Hutchens, having been born on Feb. 29.

Happy anniversar­y to Jay and Sandy Norton, George and Lorene Schooler.

Happy years, all!

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