Washington County Enterprise-Leader

Fog, Dust, Smoke: Unusual Times

- Marie Roy Lincoln Lifestyles

No, we are not in England, but the fog sure looks like we are, and one day, instead of coming in during the night, it came full force midday. Unusual.

We have also had dust drifting in from Texas, and enough smoke from the West Coast fires to make a really bright red sun in the evening. It reminds us to think of those less fortunate, and pray for them.

Sad but true, two events we have looked forward to every year, and enjoyed, for many years, will not be held this year, due to “stay home,” advice because of the virus. The annual Apple Festival will not be held, “on hold” until hopefully next year. Our family reunion at the home of Charlie and Carol Pitts will also be canceled. We’ll stay in touch by phone and once in a while by visits on the front porch.

September slipped by and now October is positive thinking month, class reunion, family history, eat better and eat together, communicat­e with your child, child health, Halloween safety, roller skating, book, pajama, popcorn popping, National bake and decorate, chili, cookie, pork, vegetarian, caramel, pasta, seafood and chiropract­ic month.

Happy birthday to Mike Summers, Nelda Hacker, Xavier Pettigrew, Julie Myers, Terri Boyd, Thelma Napier, Loyd Wayne Luginbuel, Nell Johnston, Abagaile Uselton, Brittany Lipford.

Happy anniversar­y to Chris and Megan Luttrell, Vince and Alicia Wofford.

Happy years, all!

Marie Roy is a longtime resident of Lincoln and has written a community column for the Enterprise-Leader for many years. The opinions expressed are those of the author.

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