Washington County Enterprise-Leader

Districts Get $10.5 Million From Covid Funds

- By Lynn Kutter

FARMINGTON — Farmington, Lincoln and Prairie Grove school districts have been allocated a total of more than $10.5 million from federal covid-19 relief funds since the pandemic struck the country about 16 months ago.

The total of the federal aid for elementary and secondary education in the state is around $2 billion, and funds must be spent within three years.

In Arkansas, the funds are called Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief money, and public and nonprofit private schools are receiving the money in three rounds, known as ESSER 1, ESSER II and ESSER III (or American Rescue Plan) funds.

The state and federal government have directed funds as eligible for specific purposes, such as food security, learning loss, air quality and ventilatio­n, personal protection equipment, cleaning supplies and other safety protocols, virtual education and facilities.

School districts submit receipts for their expenses from the covid- relief funds and are

reimbursed by the education department.

Following is informatio­n from the three districts on how they have spent their ESSER I and II funds, and how they are proposing to spend the third round of money.

Farmington ESSER I Funds

Farmington received about $214,000 from ESSER I funds and has spent all of the money, said Joe McClung, assistant superinten­dent.

Money was used on food security to deliver meals during the pandemic, on continuous learning and tools to help teach remotely, such as Chromebook­s, wireless hot spots and other technology. Some of this also was used on procedures to open school safely in August 2020.

The breakdown for ESSER I: 41% personal protection equipment, janitorial; 32% technology; 17% facilities; 10% learning ( including point of contact costs).

Purchases included masks, face shields, dividers, foggers, Chromebook­s, water filling stations, signage, headphones, pivot materials.


For the second round of funds, Farmington received $1.5 million and has spent about one-half of the money. The deadline to spend the money is Sept. 30, 2023.

The money was used for staff “hero pay” (for additional duties related to covid), covid leave for those who had to quarantine or were diagnosed with covid19, technology, facilities and teaching and learning.

Some examples include $ 247,000 for technology, $30,000 for virtual instructio­n, $85,000 to improve air quality and $25,000 for sanitation.


Farmington will receive $1.67 million from the ESSER III funds from the American Rescue Plan. Districts are required to submit a plan on spending this money to the Arkansas Deartment of Education by Aug. 15. Districts in Arkansas have until Sept. 30, 2024, to spend this money. Of the total, 20% has to be set aside for learning loss.

According to McClung, the district is proposing to use about $575,000 for HVAC equipment. All school buildings, with the exception of the high school, will receive new HVAC systems that will be more efficient and provide better air quality, McClung said.

The district also is proposing to spend money for social and mental health, safety protocols (such as PPE and sanitizers), upgrades on camera systems to help with contact tracing, computers and communicat­ion.

Prairie Grove ESSER I

Prairie Grove received $180,000 from the first round of money and spent that on technology and personal protection equipment. That account is balanced out, according to Reba Holmes, superinten­dent of schools.


For the second round of money, Prairie Grove received $1,208,000 and has already spent about two/ thirds of that money, Holmes said. Of this total, about $1 million has been dedicated to the new middle school under constructi­on for an additional classroom wing. Other expenses included $50,000 for technology and $150,000 for curriculum.


For ESSER III funds, the district has been allocated $ 1,650,000. Holmes said the district is proposing to spend about $510,000 on loss of learning and $500,000 on HVAC expenses. Money also has been dedicated for technology, virtual instructio­n, personal protection equipment and supplies.

Lincoln ESSER I

Lincoln received $289,569 for its first round of covid-relief funds. It spent the money on personal protection equipment, such as masks and face shields, sanitizer, foggers, gloves, wipes and touchless thermomete­rs, according to Jana Claybrooks, learning services director. This money also went for instructio­n needs, such as furniture, Chromebook­s and software, covid leave for staff and pay for substitute teachers.


For ESSER II funds, Lincoln received $1.2 million and this money was used for covid leave and substitute teachers, bus leases, Chromebook­s and additional compensati­on for staff and teachers for extra duties performed during the 2020-21 school year because of covid-19.


Lincoln schools will receive $2.7 million for the third round of federal money. Claybrook said the district proposes to use the money for HVAC expenses, transporta­tion, personal protection equipment and systemic procedures.

About $ 547,000 of the money will be allocated to address lost instructio­nal time or loss of learning with tutoring, materials and supplies, a child and family advocate, a certified interventi­onist and other staff members.

Money also will be used to support recruitmen­t and retention of a diverse and qualified educator workforce, according to Claybrook.

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