Washington County Enterprise-Leader

Getting Things Done Efficientl­y And Quickly

- — S. Eugene Linzey is an author, mentor, and speaker. Send comments and questions to masters.servant@cox.net. Visit his web site at www. genelinzey.com. The opinions expressed are those of the author.

For years, I’d heard the old axiom, “If you want something to be done, ask a busy person,” but I didn’t understand the concept. It didn’t make sense to me. Busy people should be left alone to complete what they’re already doing … shouldn’t they?

I know many busy people and heard about how beleaguere­d they were, trying to find time to tend to all their responsibi­lities. I couldn’t help but wonder, why did they agree to do all those things, anyway?

I eventually found out. Have you ever been accused of accomplish­ing too much? Silly, isn’t it? But it happened to me. In 1966 I worked for the Boeing Aircraft Company. My area was in the 727 and the 747 department­s. I enjoyed my job. I seldom took our 15-minute breaks because by break time I had establishe­d a momentum and didn’t want to stop until lunchtime. Several of my friends told me, “Linzey, slow down. You’re making us look bad.”

I couldn’t believe what I heard, and I responded quite bluntly.

“You’re wrong. I’m working at an average speed, and you guys are making me look good by working slowly. I’m not slowing down so you’ll have to speed up and start earning your pay.”

I was never a workaholic; I just enjoyed getting things done.

In 1994 when I worked for a scientific laboratory, I heard what sounded like a loud explosion nearby. I stopped, looked around, and saw that the back window of a new Toyota had shattered. I went over to the man standing there. Discussing it for a minute, we realized that the car had overheated in the 105 degree heat, and when he inadverten­tly hit the window with his ring, the window shattered due to thermal shock.

I didn’t know him, but I went and got a shop vacuum and cleaned up his car. When he asked what my supervisor would say, I told him that since both of us were lab employees and he had a meeting to attend, I figured I was actually on the job. I knew my supervisor would appreciate what I was doing.

Becoming proficient in my assignment­s at the lab, more responsibi­lities were slowly given me, and I eventually had 22 positions to fill. And guess what? I finally understood why busy people are asked for help. The reason is busy people see the bigger picture and figure out how to get things done efficientl­y and quickly. I became one of those people, but it’s nothing to brag about. God gave us the knack or forté, so I give Him the credit.

Another example is when on the way to work, I saw a live deer with four broken legs lying beside the road. Two men were standing near the critter and their old pickup truck was fifty yards ahead.

They told me they didn’t hit the animal and I checked their vehicle to verify the story. It wasn’t hunting season, and the deer would never walk again, so it needed to be put down.

This wasn’t my area of responsibi­lity, but no one else was available to handle the situation. After finding out the fish & game warden would not be available for a day, I made the appropriat­e calls to state and local police. The policeman came out, and I told him he needed put the critter out of its misery and give it to these two men.

After making two calls of his own, the policeman carried out the task, the two men hauled the animal away legally, I thanked the policeman, and continued life.

Do you know who the master get- things- done person is? He is Jesus Christ.

In Genesis chapter 3, Eve was tricked into making a bad decision, Adam purposely disobeyed, and The Word (named Jesus at His birth), the One Who created the entire cosmos, made another decision: He formed a plan that would be as firm as granite to rescue His special creation, man. Nothing could change His mind.

Then, on earth, no one, including the Pharisees, Rome, and Lucifer, could stop Him. He reestablis­hed true religion, personally taught His first group of leaders, gave us instructio­ns about how to live and interact with others, took our penalty for sin, died in our place, and raised from the dead. The Master got it done. He did it to restore His original plan, and because He loves you. He wants you with Him in heaven.

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