Washington County Enterprise-Leader

Pesky Primary About Over; Runoffs Certain In Some State Races

- Maylon Rice Maylon Rice is a former journalist who worked for several northwest Arkansas publicatio­ns. He can be reached via email at maylontric­e@yahoo.com. The opinions expressed are those of the author.

Just one more week of these pesky primary election races.

With the May 24 Primary Election Day ballot set, this entire last six weeks has been like a tiny hole in your sock.

Wear it on the left foot, it causes a blister on the big toe — ouch!

Wear the tiny hole on the right foot and the pinkie toe is uncovered and sore — double ouch.

Finding the time to darn the sock and sew up the tiny hole. Do people even do that anymore? Well, it is darn near impossible.

So, what is a voter to do with less than a week to go after you read this midweek of the impending elections on May 24?

Well, you can’t do like some people do and just go sockless like some 1970s era hippie who decided to forgo most all undergarme­nts – socks included.

You can’t keep playing this hole-in-the-sock routine guessing which toe will gain a blister today and paying the price tomorrow for dressing hurriedly and not concerning one’s self with the hole in the sock.

Oh, the drama we are seeing played out on the TV commercial­s.

Suddenly, a two-term U.S. Senator, John Boozman — needs multiple endorsemen­ts to win a primary race in Arkansas?

Are you kidding me? Do people not remember his 2009 GOP Congressio­nal primary where John Boozman faced a murders row of Jim Holt, Gilbert Baker, Conrad Reynolds, Curtis Coleman, Kim Hendren, Randy Alexander and Fred Ramey — seven opponents in a GOP primary — and he beat them all without a runoff.

Let me say that again for those of you who forgot, he beat seven GOP candidates in a primary race without a runoff.

Boozman polled 52.7% of all the votes cast — 75,010 to the nearest candidate, State Senator Jim Holt of Springdale, who only received 24,826 votes or 17.5 percent of the total votes.

Some say Boozman is scared of ending up in a runoff with Jan Moran, the central Arkansas gun range owner and loose lipped cannon of the ultra-right. I say he’s not scared. He took on former U. S. Senator Blanche Lincoln, as an incumbent in 2010, to beat her and to win by 57.90 percent of all voters to Lincoln’s 36,95 percent.

So, all the “support” from Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Tom Cotton and, yes, the only candidate supported by President Donald J. Trump, seems so unnecessar­y.

And this has spawned a line or two from our current Secretary of State John Thurston, thought to be rather above all this din or endorsemen­ts and back slapping, until his most recent and only TV advertisem­ent for reelection.

Thurston, wearing his Arkansas Cattlemen’s Associatio­n vest with the logo clearly visible, brags on how he made sure the Trump (vote) totals were correct and here is the real ear catcher. “… made sure President Trump’s vote totals increased…”


How did Thurs ton increase the vote totals for President Trump?

Never answering that bit of a soundbite Thurston says he is protecting “your” vote.

And just like that pesky hole in your sock, it switches from one foot to the other until this election is over.

There have been some ugly flyers delivered and more promised in these final days of the election. For once, I am sure the U.S. Postal authoritie­s will try to make the mailbox deliveries on time.

Maybe they will.

Maybe they won’t.

Most flyers don’t even make good charcoal lighting papers, so please everyone just recycle them.

Just like these elections seem to recycle both the good and bad politician­s.

Early voting continues with election day on Tuesday, May 24.

And then, if necessary, some runoffs that will go into mid-June.

Don’t wear another hole in your sock. Darn it.

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