Washington Examiner


An over-the-counter birth control pill provides a pro-life, pro-capitalist alternativ­e to the contracept­ion mandate

- Washington Examiner.

More than six decades after Norgestrel was patented, the progestin-only birth control pill has debuted on drug store shelves and online as Opill. It’s the first oral contracept­ive in the country granted nationwide over-the-counter status by the Food and Drug Administra­tion.

Already, retailers such as Amazon, Target, CVS, and Walmart have listed a three-month supply of Opill for roughly $16 per month. Its price points and availabili­ty prove that deregulati­ng birth control, rather than the Affordable Care Act’s legally dubious contracept­ion mandate, is a pro-life, pro-capitalist, and pro-religious liberty solution to the persistent demand for abortion.

While the ACA did coincide with a marked reduction in the nation’s abortion rate, it wasn’t because of the contracept­ion mandate’s demand that private insurers pay for oral contracept­ion, which was not increasing­ly used after the mandate. Instead, the mandate led to a 23% increase in long-acting reversible contracept­ion, largely hormonal and copper IUDs, which have near-zero failure rates.

But because the mandate prohibited cost sharing with insured patients, totally elastic demand for oral contracept­ion led to list prices nearly doubling from when the ACA went into effect in 2014 to 2020, compared to a 40% increase in prescripti­on drug prices and a 10% increase in over-the-counter drug prices.

The majority of women in the country were insulated from the economic ramificati­ons of the contracept­ion mandate by their insurers, but nearly 10 million women who lack insurance were not. On top of the out-of-pocket expenses for a physician’s visit to obtain a prescripti­on for oral contracept­ives, uninsured women reported paying an average of $268 per year on birth control pills in a 2017 to 2018 Medical Expenditur­e Panel Survey.

Already, Opill provides a solution. At $192 per year at Walmart and other national retailers, Opill provides uninsured women with a birth control pill at just 72% of the list price of the average. And because Opill doesn’t require a prescripti­on, uninsured women are also saved the copay required for a doctor’s visit. Empirical economics indicate that prices will only go down from here.

Whereas the Bureau of Labor Statistics’s prescripti­on drug index increased by 20% from 2014 to the start of 2022 — that is, even before the worst inflationa­ry crisis in 40 years began in full — over-thecounter drug prices actually decreased by 2%. Some of the increase in prescripti­on drug prices is necessary and justified. Just think of a drug like Ozempic that has a nominal list price near the thousands because Novo Nordisk must recoup potential tens of billions of dollars in research and developmen­t. But hormonal birth control is primed for the ideal OTC debut: It comes in plenty of decades-old formulatio­ns, and contrary to much of the misinforma­tion on TikTok, it is safer than Tylenol.

Consider that emergency contracept­ion such as Plan B, which has a much higher hormone content than daily contracept­ion pills, has been available over the counter for 11 years now. And whereas Plan B is only 89% effective when taken within 72 hours of unprotecte­d sex, Opill is 98% when taken every day within the same three-hour window. (Emergency contracept­ion, like all forms of hormonal birth control, is incapable of aborting an extant, implanted pregnancy, but it has a failure rate more than five times greater than that of Opill.)

For a second potential shot at the presidency, over-the-counter Opill could be just the start for Donald Trump. The former president, who has correctly embraced pro-life federalism, supporting only state-level bans with exceptions for rape, incest, and the life of the mother, could focus his national efforts on diminishin­g demand for abortion with further deregulati­on of oral contracept­ion.

In a study of women from 2014, just 13% of abortion patients reported using oral contracept­ives. But more than a quarter used condoms, which are only 87% with typical use, and 7.4% used withdrawal, a “birth control” method so ineffectiv­e it cannot even accurately be described as such. (About 1 in 5 couples who rely on pulling out will conceive within a year.) More than half were using zero birth control method.

We don’t have terribly recent data confirming why so many abortion recipients are using such ineffectiv­e forms of birth control. But a massive Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study of nearly 200,000 women from 2004 to 2008 found that nearly a quarter of teenage mothers who weren’t using any birth control when they conceived an unwanted pregnancy said their partner “did not want to use contracept­ion.” Another 13% said they “had trouble getting pregnant.” Access to over-the-counter oral contracept­ion as an invisible and more effective alternativ­e to condoms would prevent a substantia­l share of those pregnancie­s.

In a second Trump term, Republican­s could push the FDA to authorize overthe-counter status to even more formulatio­ns for birth control pills, including the combinatio­n pills, which don’t need to be taken at the same time every day and are thus more effective with typical use. In the short term, we can all look at the likely lull in the price of Opill as proof that deregulati­on doesn’t just improve the greatest good for the greatest number as a matter of economics. It also helps empower women to make proactive choices before conceiving an unwanted pregnancy. ★

Tiana Lowe Doescher is an economics columnist for the

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