Westside Eagle-Observer

It’s nice to have my ego stroked a bit

- By Bill

I’m feeling pretty profession­al this morning. I have the answers if you have the questions, and I sure don’t mind expressing my opinion and sharing my massive and epic knowledge! It is just the humane thing to do and, besides, I enjoy it immensely. The only requiremen­t of the deal is the questioner must be below the age of 9!

The telephone rang just as I was walking out the door this morning and my close relative fetched me back. It was a feller in town with a horse and he wanted some hay, quality hay that I do not have. Snip just has to make do with what we put up, but horse people like that stuff with no weeds, no briers and all the leaves still on the stems. We put up some like that one time! He also wanted to know about a feed formula, how often to call a farrier to trim or shoe said horse. “What in the name of heaven is this business called floating teeth?” And, “Should I be concerned?” was his next inquiry.

An hour and three cups of coffee later, I finally got loose and started out to do chores. I heard the truck coming from the highway, one of those that chatters and squalls, and in drove the man from the feed company in Kansas. He had purposely come early to catch me, and we sat down in the feed room and proceeded to visit.

Questions and more questions about everything concerning feeding animals. I don’t know if he was filling out a survey or just thinking about how to use his products. I have never felt like I knew how to formulate a feed for any group of cattle, but I have mixed a ration for the offspring’s show calves and they did well. Needless to say, he didn’t ask about goats or hog feed!

I ordered the needed feed and he left just in time for me to see the off- spring coming in across the west pasture. I am not too surprised when I see something unusual happening with them, but that was a different approach to headquarte­rs. Sure enough, cattle on the highway and the elder got a call about daylight to get them in. He promptly roused his brother and they did the job. Then it was fun to cut across pastures and race a little! They think I don’t know, and they also believe themselves to be adults!

It is my opinion, and everyone has one, one’s ego is stroked by being asked, and especially when you know the answer to the query. My head could get so big my hat won’t fit, but my close relative is very good at keeping me deflated! She doesn’t ask, she informs most of the time and, if I am smart, I pay attention! I just want you fellers to know that once in a while you get a turn at being the smart one! If it happened to me, and it did, it will happen to you.

Be ready to soak it up!

Bill is the pen name used by the Gravette-area author of this weekly column. Opinions expressed are those of the author.

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