Westside Eagle-Observer


- By Gwen Singleton

MAYSVILLE — Thirteen members and one guest met at the Maysville Community Building for the April 28 meeting. Beverly Whiteside was hostess for the meal. The meeting was called to order at 1 o’clock by President Orpha Wardlaw, and Jane Wilber welcomed our guest, Lydia Seiden. We sang “Whistle While You Work,” led by Melinda Crawley, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Inspiratio­ns were given by Melinda on the Legend of the Wingless Bird and Purpose of Christiani­ty. Orpha read a humorous article on “Why They Hired the Pastor.”

Beverly gave the lesson on “Low Maintenanc­e Landscape.” She talked about the benefits of using native plants in a landscape as they are able to adapt to Arkansas growing conditions. Plants that have been surviving on their own along roadsides and in wooded areas in the South should be well adapted to growing in our home landscapes. Native plants (also called indigenous plants) are plants that have evolved and adapted to local conditions over thousands of years. They have adapted to the geography — including rocky soil or heavy clay, and climate of that region — whether hot and dry or hot and humid. Most regional natives are vigorous and hardy, so can survive summer heat, winter cold, dry conditions or wet ones without additional care.

Often a misconcept­ion about native plants is that they are weedy and only used in a meadow or natural setting. Many great native perennials and shrubs are mainstays in gardens, including echinacea (purple coneflower), rudbeckia (black-eyed Susan), and native azaleas.

Gwen Singleton called the roll and read the minutes and financial report. Reports and reminders were given, including the annual community yard sale. This is an indoor event, so there is never a concern with rain. Booths are available for only $10.

We discussed a theme for the club’s educationa­l fair booth, and a committee was selected to work on it. We finalized plans for the Spring Luncheon, which will be May 26, and our plan for Maysville Day the 18th of June.

Our club is saving Best Choice Labels (bar code) and would like to invite anyone in the community that uses Best Choice products to save your labels for us. The meeting was adjourned with the benedictio­n.

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