Westside Eagle-Observer

Men need to listen to their wives enough to hear what’s important

- By Bill

Things sure can get out of sync around here. This day started off real nice — breakfast and that extra cup of coffee on the front porch. I went off to do my business, haul some more hay to the barn and depend on things to sorta stay the same or get better. You must believe things can improve or there is no sense in going on to the next job. I like to believe in Santa Claus too.

Fact is, my close relative was talking all the time we ate and I sorta listened. She says lots of stuff and sometimes I nod and smile and do not hear a word. She talks about flowers, the grands, her sister and brother-in-law and cooking. I was only hearing the birds this morning and thinking about cattle stuff. Should have been listening.

The offspring and I showed up at headquarte­rs for dinner and, to my surprise, there was a kitchen missing the cook. A note on the table said something about my attention span and making me an appointmen­t for hearing aids and gave directions to make bologna sandwiches for our dinner. There was tea made and plenty of stuff on a tray for us to use, so I didn’t say anything about wondering where she had gone.

We worked the rest of the day without a break. The offspring moved bales and I hauled them. When we got finished, we proceeded to gather the steers and weigh them. That little chore was a long one because we had to discuss a multitude of things about each steer. The fellers think we should try shipping heifers with the steers to the feed lot.

The topic of feeding both sexes together has been discussed to death around here. I thought it had finally been buried, but it has risen again and I am still against it. I might be totally wrong, the market not being what it was last year, but we won’t be doing that this year. I don’t want to be the old dunder head, but more research will have to be done before I change my stance.

And, speaking of problems, it got dark and Old Dog and I were still here by ourselves. I sat on the porch and drank tea, began worrying and finally saw lights coming down the drive. It was about time, maybe even more than about time for her to show up. She unloaded herself and smiled big, asked me if I ate in town and sashayed into the house. I would have starved before I said I was sure hungry, seeing as she didn’t seem to care. She finally said as she washed her hands that she had enjoyed helping our female offspring make, press and hang new drapes.

It is my opinion, and everyone has one, a man’s home is his castle and the early mornings might be the very best time to not bother him with palaver! I wish I had heard about the intended duties of the day, but it is hard to sort out the junk from the news.

Fellers, do pay heed to this suggestion. It will be to your advantage to listen close enough to know what to hear and never nod unless you know what you just voted for. I went to bed hungry, and she did not seem too concerned when my belly growled and rumbled half the night!

Aren’t thistle flowers just the prettiest things?

Bill is the pen name used by the Gravette area author of this weekly column. Opinions expressed are those of the author.

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