Westside Eagle-Observer

Sure hope you had a Christmas filled with joy, fun

- By Bill

Someone has a steer missing. He is in with our cows and seems to be glad to be there. He grazes and looks up at Snip and me and then grazes some more. He is not nervous and is not causing any trouble. I don’t mind him being here, the only problem is he is not carrying our brand. Actually, he is not branded at all.

But that isn’t a problem because he has been ear notched. Sure enough, about two notches on each ear. They certainly tell whose steer he is. How could you not recognize your own notch? Of course, ear notches are the way to mark cattle and ownership and no one would ever not be able to claim their own by just eyeing the notch. That makes sense, doesn’t it?

I watched the steer this morning as he moved along. He looks to weigh about eight hundred and is a really nice beefy calf. I suspect he is out of pure or almost pure stock. He isn’t the least bit crazy acting and I would bet he never is when penned if I were a betting man. I need to let someone know he is penned, has water and feed and I would be willing to help load him if someone has any way to identify this calf. In the meantime, think about identifyin­g an ear notch.

This weather is causing me to saddle old Snip and let him snort and wink up just because life is good. He feels good, and that plus the ride makes me the same! We have been through the steers, heifers and bull pastures this week. The little drizzle we had just made the ride more pleasurabl­e and moistened up my old hide. I know we are gonna have winter and it may be a doozie, so I am doing all I can to enjoy today.

And that reminds me, the thousands of Santas and snowmen decorating yards are going to fade out in the sun, and they do look a little strange when the temp is shirtsleev­e warm. I have mentioned to my close relative that her usual date loaf candy will probably not set up in the heat. She usually wraps it in a dish towel and leaves it out in the well house for 24 hours before slicing it. I may be forced to eat it with a spoon. Oh, woe is me!

It is my opinion, and everyone has one, I sure hope you had a Christmas filled with joy and lots of fun. I want all folks to have Jesus in their hearts and understand why we do this big old celebratio­n. The gifts we give are in remembranc­e of His gifts to us and the blessings we have every day. Times are pretty tough for many of us in the agricultur­e fields, but we all have more than 90 percent of the people in the world. I have running water in the house, a bathroom and the plumbing works. We about all have a cookstove and a refrigerat­or and, if you need help with groceries, there are folks to help.

So, I hope your Christmas was merry and your home was filled with love and laughter!

Bill is the pen name used by the Gravette-area author of this weekly column. Opinions expressed are those of the author.

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