Westside Eagle-Observer

I am going to hang on to the present

- By Bill

The year 2020 came in and I didn’t feel a thing! There was no noise, no flashing lights, no pain, and I woke up this morning like I do every morning, same old feller. My close relative was not impressed with the different year either. I ate, drank coffee and did barn chores. The cats all looked the same and Old Dog was still sure I was his best friend! How many times does this make that I have stepped into a new year and not even felt any change? Plenty of them!

I did not forget to pray for a better year for our country, an abundance of food for the hungry, peace for the war-torn, and homes for the homeless. I did not ask for better dispositio­ns for those who choose to be cranky, charity for those who are greedy, or more land for me! I prayed for health for the ill, love for the unloved and the Light of God for the lost.

Then I slept, nary a worry because I was full of good beefsteak and French fries as the last meal of the year. I like that tradition, a wonderful beefsteak meal on the last day of the year. We always have the cornbread and black-eyed peas on New Year’s Day, along with ham and all the fixings, but the real good stuff is the night before!

I checked cattle and enjoyed the silence this morning. We are blessed to wake up to a warm — not heatwave warm — day on any January morning. The ground is not iced over and I didn’t have to wear rubber boots, so you know it is a great time of the year.

The steers are pretty and I fed them some cubes. Dog and I sat on the tailgate and watched them push each other around and enjoy the treat. My life is sure a fine one and I am aware of the blessing, most of the time. The boys will be moved out of here and hauled to a feedlot next week. We will start seeing replacemen­ts hit the ground about 60 days from now.

The coffee emporium is closed today. I passed by and, even if I wasn’t gonna stop, I don’t enjoy seeing it dark and the big old CLOSED sign on the door. Reminds me again that all things change. Someday there may not be a need for the great coffee and good old country food that passes out that kitchen to the joy and betterment of old codgers! The highway might be changed to miss our main street so faster travelers could get where they are going without the slowdown of us locals.

It is my opinion, and everyone has one, I am going to hang on to the present; it is all we have.

We have family and that changes from day to day too. The grands grow up, the offspring get older, the loss of friends and health happens. I like today just fine, and I hope you do too. I am wishing you the best ever year; work hard and make this the year you can count as the one that made you shine!

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