Westside Eagle-Observer

‘We love you’ chants break out at Trump rallies

- By Harold Pease, Ph.D.

An amazing event happened Sept. 8 in a Donald Trump campaign rally in Winston-Salem, N.C. The huge crowd broke into spontaneou­s “We love you” chants for the president. He was noticeably affected.

It happened again two days later, Sept. 10, in Freeland, Mich. Ten chants in a row broke out 30 minutes into the speech after his comments about helping stop the violence in Minneapoli­s and his threat to use federal agents in Seattle if violence did not stop there. He thanked the crowd after the first two chants but they would not stop until after another eight chants — “We love you. We love you. We love you. We love you. We love you. We love you. We love you. We love you.” He interrupte­d, “Don’t say that, I’ll start to cry [pause] and that wouldn’t be good for my image. You don’t want to see me cry. I’ll start to cry.” This tender moment was followed by another five “We love you” chants before he was permitted to continue.

Why is this a big story? Two reasons. First, because I do not recall any politician getting that chant in the history of this country. Not even George Washington, Andrew Jackson, or Franklin Delano Roosevelt, presidents said to be among the most popular. Second, in almost five years, I have yet to hear one favorable comment from Democrat news outlets. Because of this, I am certain half of America, so influenced by the constant “hate Trump” spew, will never know that they lived through the administra­tion of perhaps America’s most popular president. No public office holder has drawn the crowd sizes he consistent­ly gets.

Remember this is the same presidenti­al candidate who just four years ago was “piled on” seemingly by everyone, the establishm­ent media, establishm­ent Democrats, establishm­ent Republican­s, establishm­ent bankers and corporatio­ns. Added to this was the globalist establishm­ent special interest groups: the Council on Foreign Relations and the Bilderberg­ers. No president has endured more opposition than he — perhaps all put together. Imagine thousands now chanting, “We love you,” in unison to a politician to show their appreciati­on. This has never happened.

So why is he so popular with the American people? I’ll not dwell on the greatest economy in over a century, the highest employment rate for Africans, Hispanics, Asians, women and youth in my lifetime. The lowest taxes for the middle class in decades. These are not even disputed by the left in the 2020 election.

He is loved because he took on the globalists who were turning this country into the military arm of what they call the New World Order. He started no new wars, ended nationbuil­ding in foreign lands, and is pulling out of the no-win wars in Afghanista­n, Iraq and Syria. Our soldiers will no longer die in foreign lands for globalist causes.

Veterans love him because he treated them with dignity. He signed the VA Choice Act and VA Accountabi­lity Act, expanded VA health services, walkin-clinics and same-day urgent primary and mental health care.

Until the Chinese Wuhan Virus, he lifted nearly 4 million Americans off food stamps. Against the advice of his opponents, he shut down immigratio­n from China early in the virus. He teamed with the CDC with daily reports and projected confidence by not overreacti­ng to the virus by a nationwide shutdown of the economy. He is viewed as most likely to restore his previous booming economy.

He gave America energy independen­ce by encouragin­g fracking, opening ANWR and approving the Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines — these blocked by his predecesso­r.

Border law enforcemen­t agents love him because he is finally building a wall to stop illegal immigratio­n that undermines the salaries of the American worker. It also slows drug traffickin­g that is killing Americans and greatly restricts the activities of drug gangs like MS-13 and other criminals. Trump has done more than any other president to stop widespread human traffickin­g.

Those who value the Constituti­on love him because he protects it as written, with two appointmen­ts to the Supreme Court and 214 Article III judges confirmati­ons. He is viewed as most likely to hold to the restraints of the Constituti­on, especially the 2nd Amendment and 1st Amendment rights of free speech, assembly and religion. Also, he is most likely to do away with the double standard in justice, including the probabilit­y of treason in high places.

Most Christians love him because, more than any predecesso­r for a lifetime, he values and protects religion. He is the most “Right to Life” president in American history. Stopping the annual killing of hundreds of thousands of America’s unborn babies is widely supported by Christians.

Americans love him because he is perceived as being the most likely to stop the spread of socialism in the United States, now fully embraced by the Democrat Party. Historical­ly, it has brought only universal poverty and misery.

Americans love him because he is most likely to deal with anarchists in our cities and arsonists in our forests. Most view these as insurrecti­onists attempting to remove their president and destroy the greatest, most prosperous, for those willing to work, nation on earth. Safety is a human right.

But, mostly, he is loved because they trust him and believe that he really cares about them. He is the only second-term presidenti­al candidate in decades that can run on “Promises Made, Promises Kept.”

Harold W. Pease, Ph.D., is a syndicated columnist and an expert on the United States Constituti­on. He has dedicated his career to studying the writings of the Founding Fathers and applying that knowledge to current events. He taught history and political science from this perspectiv­e for more than 30 years at Taft College. To read more of his weekly articles, visit www.LibertyUnd­erFire.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.

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