Westside Eagle-Observer

Don’t let family see or hear you in moment of absolute fear!

- By Bill Bill is the pen name used by the Gravette-area author of this weekly column. The opinions expressed are those of the author.

Thinking I was only kidding, the Lord did not send the rain I prayed for! I did enjoy a cooler day, and we built some badly needed fence — not with post holes; we just strung new wire to old posts.

I can’t recall ever needing to dig a hole in the middle of summer. Hopefully, I am brighter than that, or at least lazier!

My close relative had some chores lined up for a cold winter day, and she presented them early on Tuesday morning. The chores involved the offspring too, and we all groaned silently! The offspring decided that the garden was just too hard to tackle, so they took the garage. They sorta messed up! That meant carrying boxes of stuff to the truck to be hauled off, moving big and heavy boxes of very important “stuff” to the storage building on the north side of the house, and getting suggestion­s from their mother for each thing to do! I took the garden!

The hot weather has almost ruined the garden, including all the rabbit food! But the tomatoes are producing well and sure are tasty with a big slab of onion! So I was working on cleaning up the garden while my relative did all the directing with the offspring. Things were going along so well when I was about halfway through all the rows, really sorta taking my time and loving the quietness of the chore when a six- or maybe it was 20-foot snake poked his head up and slithered toward my body! I want you to know he did not outrun me!

The oldest offspring caught me at the gate to the highway, and he was on a four-wheeler and about to choke from my heel dust! He was polite, trying not to laugh or roar at my fear of long, wiggly slithering things. I told him it was grey and had diamonds all over its back and was striking as it charged at me, full of desire to kill and eat me! Then he tried to hide his laughter with a cough but still chortling!

We got on the machine with my feet raised high — such an experience leaves troubling emotions — and back to the garden. My close relative gave me a big frosty glass of tea and a chair to rest in, and the younger one was returning from the bullpen direction. He was holding a long pole and, I swear to heaven, he was bringing the kinfolk to the yard with him! I knew it wasn’t the one that upset me a little because this one was green and about two feet long!

I traded jobs with the boys and was glad to haul boxes and unload them by myself, watching each step carefully! I could still hear them laughing occasional­ly and wish I had washed their mouth with soap for such actions!

We got most of the chores done before dark, so we decided to call it a day. I was worn plumb smooth before I got my boots off and settled down while waiting for supper. My mind churned and ran back to the striking snake a thousand times before I finally could relax.

You know, and I know, that a grass snake isn’t about to hurt anyone. What is the key to my fear of slithering things? I think it goes back to the rattlers I grew up with in the dry country and going to church to a fire and brimstone preacher making the snake represent the devil! Strange that I never could get away from that, but there is a reason for that. I never did try!

Today, I have learned lessons about outrunning four-wheelers and hauling heavy boxes by myself and then the big one! Do not let the family see or hear you in a moment of absolute fear!

We were all glad to have a little relief from the heat, but I do believe I will always have a very important job when it is time to clean the garden — such as clean my long arms, read all the magazines the guys have sent me or go to town for tractor grease!

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