Westside Eagle-Observer

What does it take to spawn transforma­tion?

- By John A. Newby

Award-winning and renowned author Malcolm Gladwell once said, “Transforma­tion isn’t about improving, it is about rethinking.” I might also add to this quote by explaining that true community or business transforma­tion is rarely brought about by evolution but more often by revolution.

I often hear the question, what does it take to rethink and spawn community or business transforma­tion? Upon reviewing many successful transforma­tional projects I and others have witnessed, the answer is found in three critical elements often overlooked. These elements are the power of building excitement, instilling energy and knowing that it will take an army to see the transforma­tion through.

Many communitie­s expect change without having to change. They have a dilapidate­d downtown with empty buildings and little in terms of regulation to create a vibrant downtown. Many local businesses shut down by 5 p.m., forcing residents online or into national chains that offer expanded hours. Oftentimes, innovation isn’t highly rewarded and entreprene­urship is little and far between. Trash is abundant on the roadway leading to and within the city. The local media company provides little local substance and has vacated its leadership role while lacking energy. All these signs indicate a community without excitement and energy and certainly without an army of help.

Let’s focus on common elements found in vibrant and progressiv­e communitie­s. I would suggest excitement, energy and buy-in by the community precedes any effective transforma­tion effort. Why are excitement, energy and buy-in so important? Many communitie­s seek new or relocating businesses, bringing new jobs to the community. These businesses are attracted to the excitement, energy and community buy-in. It is these businesses that help us retain the younger generation­s who often leave after high school for other locations offering better educationa­l and job opportunit­ies that come with them.

Excitement, energy and community buy-in bring interest and investors. Investors bring revitaliza­tion and transforma­tion. Revitaliza­tion and transforma­tion bring a higher quality of life. Higher quality of life brings new businesses and local jobs. New businesses and local jobs bring an increasing tax base. Increasing the tax base brings better roads, infrastruc­ture and community opportunit­ies. All of this increases the overall vibrancy of the community, which in turn draws tourism and others wanting to be a part of the energy and excitement. One might call this the community circle of life.

The bottom line is excitement and energy are contagious; it is the foundation of what can be. Excitement, energy and buy-in are what communitie­s need to truly transform and revitalize. Any efforts without these main ingredient­s are certain to wither and die before a community can truly realize its full potential.

How do we build excitement, energy and buy-in? The answer to this question is elusive to many communitie­s, leading to multiple failed efforts. Once a community has experience­d many false starts or failed efforts, it becomes much more difficult to succeed, as the “we’ve tried that before” and “idea poverty” mentality sets in.

Many communitie­s have numerous great ideas, initiative­s and potential projects, all of which can be very transforma­tive. They just lack the ability to pull it together due to inflated personal egos, inadequate leadership, too many varied agendas or a lack of trust due to the previously mentioned reasons.

Let’s look at some of those reasons. Inflated egos can be a huge detriment or a powerful tool. Michael Jordan had an inflated ego, as do many great athletes. While that could have been bad, when harnessed and directed by a great coach, it was turned into a powerful force spurring six championsh­ips. Every organizati­on has an agenda; that is what makes it great. Molding these agendas from various groups into a winning game plan can be exciting. The best way to build trust is to be all-inclusive and let every voice be heard and every thought considered.

Excitement and energy are great but let me briefly look at the third ingredient, community buy-in. I have often said that it takes an army to facilitate change. Successful communitie­s harness the power of excitement and energy to enlist their armies of support. Successful communitie­s have found that the more residents they enlist, the faster and more efficient transforma­tion can occur.

As the saying goes, “Many hands make light work.” This is surely true with building or transformi­ng a community.

As you begin or continue your transforma­tion journey, never forget the excitement, energy and buy-in elements. All your efforts will fall short without enlisting and nourishing these critical components.


John Newby is a nationally recognized columnist, speaker and publisher. He consults with communitie­s, businesses and media. His “Building Main Street, not Wall Street” column is enjoyed by more than 60 communitie­s around the country. As founder of Truly-Local, he assists community and business leaders in building synergies that create vibrant communitie­s. He can be reached at info@Truly-Localllc. com. Opinions expressed are those of the author.

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