Westside Eagle-Observer

Small rural communitie­s under attack

- Building Main Street, Not Wall Street By John A. Newby

Whether by design or by accident, the clash between government­s and small rural communitie­s is a huge issue facing small rural communitie­s.

This attack is rooted in a complex interplay of economic, social and political dynamics. While government­s often aim to implement seemingly good policies for the greater good or national developmen­t, these measures sometimes inadverten­tly undermine the livelihood­s and identities of rural communitie­s. Some might call it unintended consequenc­es.

Government­s frequently initiate what may seem like well-intentione­d policies or projects, such as infrastruc­ture developmen­t, environmen­tal regulation­s, or economic reforms. However, the execution of these initiative­s can have detrimenta­l effects on small rural communitie­s. A great example might be environmen­tal regulation­s that, while crucial for sustainabi­lity, may impose burdensome restrictio­ns on traditiona­l livelihood­s like farming or logging. Economic reforms can favor large corporatio­ns over small businesses, leading to the decline of rural industries and communitie­s.

One of the primary challenges in these scenarios is the lack of meaningful consultati­on or participat­ion of rural communitie­s in the decision-making process. Government­s often overlook the perspectiv­es and needs of these communitie­s, assuming a top-down approach that disregards local knowledge and experience­s. This approach breeds resentment and resistance among rural residents, who feel marginaliz­ed and ignored by distant authoritie­s.

Furthermor­e, the imposition of government policies can exacerbate existing inequaliti­es and vulnerabil­ities within rural communitie­s. Smallscale farmers, for example, may struggle to comply with regulation­s designed for larger agricultur­al operations, further widening the gap between the rural poor and more affluent urban population­s. Similarly, most smaller communitie­s have limited access to education, healthcare, and other essential services, which can compound the negative impacts of government actions, leaving communitie­s feeling abandoned and neglected.

The war on small rural communitie­s is not solely waged through policy implementa­tion but also through broader socioecono­mic trends. Globalizat­ion, for instance, has facilitate­d the concentrat­ion of wealth and resources in urban centers, leading to the neglect and underdevel­opment of rural areas. As government­s prioritize urban growth and investment, rural communitie­s are left to fend for themselves, grappling with declining population­s, inadequate infrastruc­ture and limited economic opportunit­ies.

Moreover, the rise of industrial agricultur­e and extractive industries has further marginaliz­ed rural communitie­s, as large corporatio­ns exploit natural resources and exploit cheap labor without regard for local needs or environmen­tal sustainabi­lity. This unchecked exploitati­on often leads to environmen­tal degradatio­n, loss of biodiversi­ty, and health hazards for rural residents, perpetuati­ng a cycle of poverty and disenfranc­hisement.

In response to these challenges, many small rural communitie­s have banded together to defend their rights and livelihood­s. Grassroots movements, community-based organizati­ons and other groups have emerged as powerful advocates for local autonomy and sustainabl­e developmen­t. Through protests, legal actions and grassroots initiative­s, these communitie­s assert their agency and demand a seat at the table in decision-making processes affecting their lives.

Smaller communitie­s must insist that government­s prioritize investment­s in rural infrastruc­ture, healthcare, education and economic diversific­ation to ensure that rural communitie­s have the resources and opportunit­ies they need to thrive. This includes support for small-scale agricultur­e, eco-tourism, renewable energy, and other sustainabl­e industries that can generate income and create jobs while preserving local cultures and environmen­ts.

The war on small rural communitie­s is real and it is destroying many small rural communitie­s. Yes, it is a complex and multifacet­ed phenomenon driven by a combinatio­n of government policies, socio-economic trends, and power dynamics. But on the other hand, some speculate that it is a conscious attack to drive the rural community into the urban areas for greater control by government over the people.

Either way, we must acknowledg­e the attack, for whatever reason, in order to combat the attack. Rural communitie­s must be resilient in adopting more aggressive, innovative and sustainabl­e approaches to their developmen­t. In doing this, they can build stronger, more equitable societies that benefit all citizens, regardless of where they live.

John Newby is a nationally recognized columnist, speaker and publisher. He consults with chambers, communitie­s, businesses and media. His “Building Main Street, not Wall Street” column appears in 60-plus newspapers and media outlets. As founder of Truly-Local, he assists chambers, communitie­s, media and businesses in creating synergies that build vibrant communitie­s. He can be contacted at John@TrulyLocal.org.

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