Woman's World

Calm winter anxiety with a candle!

Winter’s just around the corner, and a recent survey suggests that more than eight in 10 of us notice a downturn in our health once the chilly weather settles in. Well, not this year! Here’s how to stay in the peak of health throughout the season, simply

- —Brenda Kearns

Stay sunny with ALCAR

European research shows taking 1,000 mg. of acetyl - l - ca rni t ine (ALCAR) daily boosts your mood, energy, focus and concentrat­ion—which often dip on cold, overcast days—faster than prescripti­on antidepres­sants. This amino acid’s secret? It energizes winterwear­y brain cells. One option: Now Foods’ Acetyl-l-carnitine ($24 for 200 capsules, a three-month supply, at Amazon.com). Important: Always check with your doctor before starting a new supplement.

Prevent rough, itchy skin with GLA

More than half of us spend our winters battling xerosis—tight, rough, itchy skin that can even crack and bleed. Now two studies suggest taking 1,300 mg. of evening primrose oil daily can prevent winter skin woes for close to 100% of us! Credit goes to the plant’s rich stores of an essential fat—gamma-linolenic acid, or Gla—which helps your skin retain moisture and speed healing if it becomes damaged by wind or cold temps. One option: Jarrow Formulas’ Primrose 1300 ($10 for 60 capsules, Lef.com/ww).

Shoo away viruses with vitamin D-3

Taking 3,000 IU of vitamin D-3 daily can cut your risk of winter colds and flu as much as 67%, report researcher­s in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Vitamin D-3 is a natural anti-viral and antibiotic that’s more effective than flu vaccines at preventing illness, says study author Mitsuyoshi Urashima, M.D.

Stay energized with L-theanine

Winter’s dreary skies—and days spent cooped up indoors— disrupt the body’s natural sleep cycle, making most of us feel groggy during the winter months. Rx: a daily 200-mg. dose of L-theanine 30 minutes before bed. Boston University research shows this amino acid helps reboot your brain’s clock, so it produces sleepinduc­ing theta waves at night and energizing beta waves during the day.

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