Woman's World

Get slim and healthy in 30 minutes a week!


We totally get it: Finding time to exercise, never mind getting to a gym, is the last thing you want to add to your busy day. Luckily, you can stay young, healthy and strong just by doing a few easy strength-training moves once or twice a week!

Slash your risk of two major diseases!

Women over 45 who do strength-training moves once a week reduce their risk of heart disease 17%, and of diabetes 30%—regardless of their eating habits, reveals a new Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise study.

Safeguard your smarts!

Lifting light weights twice a week improves your memory and critical thinking skills, an Australian study shows. How? “By increasing blood flow, reducing inflammati­on and stimulatin­g connection­s between nerve cells in your brain,” says Harvard Medical School lecturer Majid Fotuhi, M.D., PH.D.

Burn away fat!

In a Penn State study, women who lifted light weights lost 21 pounds of fat in just a few months— much more than women who huffed and puffed through cardio workouts! That’s because strength training builds and preserves lean muscle, which burns fat for fuel.

Strengthen your bones!

According to a Canadian study, strength training helps post-menopausal women add almost 10% more bone to their spines, while women who skip the training lose about 10% of that bone each year! Weights put pressure on bones, triggering them to get thicker.

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