Woman's World

Cellulite cure! Lose a pound a day!


The plan on these pages promises to kill hunger, smooth cellulite, erase wrinkles and melt flab fast. No wonder it’s become the hottest soup diet around!

America’s hottest new soup diet is built around broth said to be so powerful, devotees call it “liquid gold.” And no wonder: “It can strip fat off your body, smooth stubborn cellulite and erase wrinkles like crazy,” promises Kellyann Petrucci, M.S., N.D., author of the runaway bestseller Dr. Kellyann’s Bone Broth Diet. “I think many people initially try my diet because the broth is so big in Hollywood”— where supermodel­s, celeb chefs, sitcom stars, Oscar winners and Jennifer Aniston’s skin guru all rave about it. “Then they see the weight loss and the beautiful skin, and they’re hooked. This is the real deal!”

Will the broth work wonders for you? The good news is you can find out more easily than ever. Bone broth—which is similar in taste to ordinary soup broth but takes up to 48 hours to make from scratch—has become so popular, it’s now available refrigerat­ed at Whole Foods and in shelfstabl­e cartons at many supermarke­ts (look for Pacific Natural Foods brand) and on Amazon. Just heat and enjoy! To help maximize your results, we’ve convinced Dr. Kellyann to share her signature broth-powered eating plan—the same one that has helped thousands “soup off” up to 20 pounds in 21 days and 200 pounds in all!

● The main way broth fights fat

Studies from places like Harvard and the University of Nebraska show that nutrients in bone broth— especially soothing amino acids like collagen and arginine— help relieve or even eliminate cellular inflammati­on. And that’s a very slimming thing. Why? Dr. Kellyann explains that in modern times our cells are so constantly irritated—by blood-sugar spikes, inflammato­ry foods, stress hormones and even pollution—that they swell up and stop functionin­g properly. This has led to an epidemic of low energy, inhibited fat-burning and waist-plumping hormonal imbalances. Because bone broth helps reverse these problems, Dr. Kellyann says, “broth drinkers lose weight easily!”

● Melting maximum flab

After experiment­ing with many strategies, Dr. Kellyann found that broth works magic fastest as part of a plan that enhances its natural benefits.

So most of the time, she has you enjoy broth along with other antiinflam­matory foods like berries, salad, salmon, sweet potatoes and olive oil. Then twice a week, you make bone broth or bone-broth-based soup your main staple. These “broth days” are very low in calories and speed weight loss for obvious reasons. But scientists have also discovered that periodic very-low-cal days activate mechanisms in our bodies that lead to “striking decreases” in inflammati­on. They also “ramp up levels of the hormone HGH, which sculpts muscles and melts off fat,” says Dr. Kellyann. “The payoff is huge!”

Bye-bye cellulite!

Dr. Kellyann says those pesky dimples on our thighs and tummies are caused by fat bulging up through a web of connective tissue beneath the surface of our skin. Her diet not only helps you lose excess fat, it simultaneo­usly loads you with the building blocks your body needs to make its own high-quality collagen—and that collagen then “strengthen­s the layer of connective tissue so fat can’t bulge through. Dimpled areas become smooth,” she explains. “That’s how you get rid of cellulite!”

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