Woman's World

Retired? Need more money?

From finding second-act “joy” jobs that can earn you extra money to slashing your bills, our pros share the ways to feel happier and more secure in retirement!

- —Kristina Mastrocola

1 Supplement your income!

Start with what you know! To supplement your income in retirement, “think about ways to parlay a small piece of what you did before into parttime work,” says career trends expert Nancy Collamer. And go beyond your former job title. “You may have been an office manager, but what you really loved doing was organizing the company picnic every year. Maybe now you can work part-time as an event planner!”

Be a tour guide! No one knows your hometown like you do, so why not create a local tour that people can sign up for online at Vayable.com. Have a niche interest? Consider making it a themed tour, says Collamer. “For example, at Foodtourpr­os. com, you can sign up to learn everything about creating food tours in your city!” Rent out your space—or yourself! If you live where parking space is at a premium, say, near a stadium, you can rent out your driveway at sites like Parklee.com and Justpark.com. You can also rent out yourself, i.e. your practical expertise, at Renta Grandma.com, where folks can hire you to do everything from babysit to take care of their pets while they’re at work!

Try places that love retirees! With age comes wisdom, and more and more companies are getting wise to this fact, notes Collamer. “Uber, for example, is making a concerted effort to hire people over 50 because they’re seen as more reliable,” she says. Years of experience also translates to better communicat­ion skills, something big box stores like Costco have picked up on, says expert Wendy Fisher. “I see more and more retirees doing part-time work demonstrat­ing products. It takes people skills that retirees tend to have in spades.”

Chase your dreams! Fabjobs.com is a great source for in- depth informatio­n about an amazing variety of jobs, says Collamer, from how to become a cake decorator to a party planner. Other places to find ideas for income streams you might like? “Almost everything has an associatio­n— from the National Associatio­n of Profession­al Pet Sitters to the Mystery Writers of America,” she says. “You can easily get a crash course in everything you need to know!”

Work from home! Flexjobs.com lists tons of fun work-from-home jobs from remote editorial assistant to writing blog posts for businesses; listings run the gamut paying anywhere from $25 an hour to $84,000 a year! Go with the growth! The senior services job sector is booming. “I know a retiree who found work as a senior move manager, helping seniors downsize,” says Collamer. Find out more at National Associatio­n of Senior Move Managers (NASMM. org).

2 Get more for your money!

Lower your bills! “A retired home economics teacher who taught one of my Pre-retirement Planning Program sessions would call her providers— cable, phone, etc.—every year to request a lower rate,” reveals Fisher. “She told them she was retired, couldn’t afford the bill, and was considerin­g a competitor—and often she got a reduced rate! And if all else fails, find a lessexpens­ive provider!” Reduce your taxes! “People 65 and older are sometimes eligible for tax breaks,” reveals

expert Emily Brandon. “For example, they get a bigger standard deduction, and some states have property tax deferrals.”

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