Woman's World

Discoverin­g the Weight Loss Phenomenon

“I lost 36 lbs and more than 12.5% of body fat!”

- Isela G. (San Antonio, TX) is a Registered Dietitian and a Certified Diabetes Educator.

As with a lot of people, Isela’s weight had gradually crept up on her. A few ounces here, a couple of pounds there. And even though she knew the necessary tools to lose weight, she was looking for that extra boost to get her diet started and help her stay on track to achieve her goals.

“I saw Almased advertised in a magazine and went on the website to research the product. Thoroughly reading everything about Almased, I studied the ingredient­s, compositio­n and the theory behind how it works. I also read product reviews online. Even so, I was skeptical, but I decided to give it a shot.”

As a health care profession­al, Isela was intrigued by the all-natural Almased formula. Made from non-gmo soy, yogurt and enzyme-rich honey in a unique fermentati­on process, Almased contains no artificial fillers, flavors, added sugars, preservati­ves or stimulants. Low in carbs and gluten-free, Almased packs a whopping 27 grams of high-quality protein per serving, which helps to manage hunger and cravings for up to four hours. Easily mixed in cold liquids, Almased supports the metabolism and helps the body burn fat while retaining lean muscle mass and balancing blood sugar and thyroid function.

“With the help of Almased and the Almased Diet Plan, which is customizab­le based on individual goals, needs and lifestyle, I lost 36 lbs in 7.5 months! I went from a size 10-12 to a size 2 in jeans. I went from wearing a size L-XL in tops to wearing a size XS-S. I lost weight and more than 12.5% body fat while preserving my lean muscle mass.“

Isela was not only able to lose the weight, but she also avoided the dreaded yo-yo effect: “It has been six months since I finished the Almased Weight Loss Program, and I have kept the weight off! I am happy that I learned to achieve a healthy balance with eating and physical activity. The most beautiful and rewarding experience is that I can now share my story and inspire others.” To read Isela’s full story and learn more about the Almased Diet Plan, visit www.figureplan.com and enter source code WW11A.

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