Woman's World

Salted Caramel Apple Butter Bars


Apple pie meets cookie with a sensationa­l surprise: a rich layer of ooey-gooey salted caramel for the ultimate flavor kick!

2 cups butter (1 lb.), at room temperatur­e

2 cups sugar

1 Tbs. vanilla extract

4 cups allpurpose flour

14 oz. soft caramels, such as Kraft,

unwrapped, about 55 pieces

1/3 cup heavy cream

1 Tbs. flaked sea salt

2 large Granny Smith apples, peeled, thinly sliced

l Preheat oven to 325°F. Line 13"x9" baking pan with foil; coat lightly with cooking spray. Mix butter and sugar on medium speed 2 minutes, until light and fluffy. Add vanilla; mix until incorporat­ed. On low, slowly add flour until dough comes together. l Divide dough in half. Press half into bottom of pan. Wrap other half in plastic wrap and refrigerat­e until needed. Bake base 15-20 minutes until edges begin to turn golden brown. Transfer pan to rack to cool slightly, but leave oven on while you continue.

l In medium pot, combine caramels and cream; melt over medium-low heat, stirring often. Once caramels are melted and smooth, pour over baked base.

l Sprinkle sea salt over caramel and evenly layer apples on caramel, overlappin­g as necessary. Remove reserved dough from refrigerat­or and crumble evenly over apples. Bake 30-35 minutes until top is lightly golden brown and caramel is bubbling. Cool completely before cutting into bars. Store airtight at room temperatur­e for up to 2 days. Servings: 28. Cals.: 310. Protein: 3 g. Fat: 16 g. (9 g. saturated). Trans fat: 1 g. Chol.: 39 mg. Carbs.: 41 g. Sodium: 286 mg. Fiber: 1 g. Sugar: 25 g. Kitchen time: 30 minutes. Total time: 3 hours.

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