Woman's World

All-day slimming secrets!

All-day slimming secrets that It’s easier than you think to boost your metabolism all day long. Here’s how! Avoiding “snack distractio­ns”!

- —Lindsay Bosslett

1 Melt fat in the a.m. by . . . Supplement­ing with glutamine!

“The amino acid glutamine speeds metabolism and helps curb sugar and carb cravings,” explains nutrition educator Julie Pech, author of The Last Damn Diet. “Taking just 500 mg. every morning can help curb cravings all day!”

Drinking water when you wake up!

“Aim to drink at least two full glasses of water before 10 a.m., and stay properly hydrated throughout the rest of the day,” encourages Pech. “If your body becomes dehydrated, it slows your metabolism in an attempt to hold on to water— so by drinking more, particular­ly in the morning when your metabolism is already revved, you actually boost fat-burning!”

Eating early!

“Don’t be tempted to skip breakfast,” urges nutritioni­st Judith Scharman, M.S., R.D.N., author of Lean Body, Smart Life. “It’s important to eat relatively soon after you wake up to jumpstart your metabolism in the morning. In fact, studies show that if you eat at least two-thirds of your calories before dinner, you’ll consume fewer calories over the course of the whole day than if you eat most of your calories at night!”

2 Slash calories in the afternoon by . . . Taking a cravingscr­ushing stroll!

A recent 10-week study of middle-aged women in the Scandinavi­an Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports found that those who took a 30-minute stroll at lunchtime three times a week felt far less stressed than their sedentary peers. As a result, the study participan­ts did less “stress-snacking” during the workday, leading to weight loss and better health! Want to get the biggest benefit from your workday walk? Recruit a buddy: Women in the study who walked with a colleague got even slimmer than those who walked alone, thanks to the mutual encouragem­ent friends give each other. “Don’t eat your afternoon snack while doing something else like surfing the Internet or working at your desk,” advises Morton Tavel, M.D., author of Health Tips, Myths and Tricks. “Instead, stop what you’re doing for a few minutes and eat your snack like you would a small meal, on a plate with a knife and fork. Studies show taking your time will help you feel more satisfied and cut down on the calories you eat overall in the afternoon.” Tip: If it’s hard to slow down, try eating your snack with your non-dominant hand!

3 Whittle your waist in the evening by . . . Loading up on fresh herbs!

“Herbs and spices—like turmeric, garlic, cinnamon, black pepper and cayenne—are known metabolism­boosters, and they can elevate the flavor of any dish without adding extra calories, fat or salt,” notes dietitian Rebecca Lewis, M.S., R.D., of Hello Fresh (Hellofresh. com). “In fact, research suggests that because spices make food more tasty and satisfying, they cut cravings for other unhealthy ‘flavor-boosters’ like fat and sugar.” Just add snips of fresh dill, basil, parsley or cilantro to savory dishes and sandwiches. Or replace the salt in recipes with herbs and spices, such as oregano, thyme, garlic powder and crushed red pepper.

Sipping the slimming “sleep-tea”!

Make your nightcap a warm cup of rooibos tea, and you’ll get a hefty dose of aspalathin, a soothing antioxidan­t that slashes stress, cutting cravings for night-time snacks. Why is that important? Because evening is when your metabolism is slowest! Bonus: This naturally sweet herbal tea is rich in calcium, essential to producing the sleep hormone melatonin. And that’s important because study after study shows that better sleep leads to better fat-burning 24/7!

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