Woman's World

My Guardian Angel

When Woman’s World reader Elyse Lavner of Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvan­ia, lost her cherished wedding ring, she asked the angels for help finding it. And they led her to it! She writes:


One day, while at the gym, I realized I’d lost my wedding ring. I hadn’t noticed that it was gone until I was putting on my training gloves in the weight room. I never removed my ring, so this came as a shock.

Quickly, I darted down two flights of stairs to the locker room and emptied my gym bag. But the ring wasn’t there! I didn’t see it anywhere on the floor and no one had turned it in to staff. I couldn’t hold back my tears, and by the time I returned home, my crying had become loud sobs!

My husband met me at the door, unable to imagine why I was so upset. When I explained, he suggested I take his matching band to the jeweler and have it resized.

“I can’t take your ring,” I cried. “I want my own ring back.”

So, together, we searched the house. We removed the sheets from our bed and searched under the mattress. We looked under the skirted chair and dresser, to no avail.

“I’d looked under that chair dozens of times. I know the angels placed my ring there,” Elyse marvels

I shared my story with friends and colleagues who offered sympathy and suggestion­s as to where I might search, but none of my searching led to the cherished ring.

As the weeks wore on, the finger on my left hand felt naked. Eventually, I bought myself a cheap replacemen­t band to ease that empty feeling on my finger as well as in my heart.

Then, a week before my daughter’s wedding—which was also my 35th wedding anniversar­y—i went to our backyard and sat in a lounge chair. As I gazed up into the heavens, I called upon the angels to please help me find my ring before the week was out.

A few minutes later, I went into the house and felt a strong pull to look one more time in our bedroom. I’d been checking under the bed almost every day since losing the ring. But I got down on all fours to look once again, and as my left hand searched, my right hand began to move, almost of its own volition, in the direction of our skirted chair.

I was almost like an observer, watching, while thinking, I had also looked under the chair dozens of times even though I never sat there or left my clothes on it. Yet as my right hand slid beneath the chair, I grasped something that felt like the shape of a ring. My heart thumped with excitement as I grasped the hard object. I slowly withdrew my hand and uncurled each finger to reveal my gold wedding ring!

My husband heard me scream and ran upstairs in a panic. Tears ran down my cheeks as I showed him what I held in my hand.

I knew, without a doubt, that the angels placed my ring under that chair. And my husband agreed.

Nowadays, when I lose something, or need extra help, I call upon my guardian angels and they always answer.

“Yes, Elyse’s guardian angels sure did lead her to her lost ring!” says Doreen Virtue, PH.D. “The angels can help us locate missing items because they can see the location of everything!

“I’ve noticed that the angels give particular attention to helping us find beloved heirlooms and wedding rings. The angels know these items symbolize love and how much they mean to us.

“Elyse’s experience shows that when we ask for the angels’ help to locate missing items, they give us intuitive thoughts and feelings to look at a location where we’ve already searched.

“It seems illogical, but Elyse’s story illustrate­s the importance of following this intuition— because the angels often will retrieve and place the item in a place where we’ve already looked.

“The angels say: ‘ Asking for our help is inviting us to partner with you in resolving situations, to bring you peace.’ ”

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