Woman's World

Personalit­y Insight

Whether you prefer classic spaghetti or creamy fettuccine Alfredo, the pasta you dig into is a window into your true self! Just pick your favorite pasta dish to see what it says about you!

- —Hannah Chenoweth

you choose . . . Pasta primavera You’re a tenacious mover-and-shaker! Bursting with veggie goodness, this dish hints at your zest for healthy living. You always strive for your absolute best, whether it’s making your noodles as nutritious as possible or chasing your wildest dreams. While carb-rich pasta fuels your fire, the colorful veggies mirror your natural vitality. Fettuccine Alfredo You’re a serene sweetie! The creaminess of fettuccine Alfredo tends to appeal to sensitive folks—no wonder you’re drawn to it! Smart and serene, you have the rare ability to fully appreciate each moment. And just like rich Alfredo sauce, there’s a depth to you that draws others in, making them feel safe and truly listened to. Baked ziti You’re a spontaneou­s adventurer! From the different kinds of cheese to the type of sauce, there’s plenty of room for variety when it comes to baked ziti. This savory dish is filled with surprises, and a fondness for baked ziti reflects your own adventurou­s spirit. Never afraid to get a little messy, you’re open-minded and thrive on spontaneit­y. Lasagna You’re an affectiona­te nurturer! Rich, hearty lasagna is the ultimate comfort food—and an affinity for this cheesy casserole broadcasts your own nurturing nature! Just as the layers of lasagna nourish your loved ones, so do you take care of family and friends. In fact, folks flock to your unique brand of ultra-intuitive TLC. Your preference for a pasta dish that takes a bit longer to make than most—and almost always yields leftovers—is a surefire sign of your generous nature. Ravioli You’re a compassion­ate class act! Not unlike ravioli— which has so much going on beneath the surface—you have a rich inner life. Graceful and compassion­ate, there’s more to you than meets the eye. A standalone dish, ravioli doesn’t need sauce to taste delicious, representi­ng your own ability to shine brightly simply by being your authentic self.

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