Woman's World

Odd symptoms? You may need more of this!

Believe it or not, odd little symptoms like restless legs or feeling chilly all the time may actually be caused by a vitamin or mineral deficiency. Here’s what you may need more of!


1 Restless legs? Try iron

Iron deficienci­es—the most common nutrient shortfall in women— can make nerves in the legs super-sensitive, causing a restless, squirmy sensation, shows Johns Hopkins research. Rx: Taking 18 mg. to 25 mg. of iron daily can soothe squirmines­s in 90 days. ● Important: Always check with your doctor before starting a new supplement.

2 Hands feel weak? Try vitamin B-12

A daily 1,000-mcg. dose of B-12 can relieve carpal tunnel syndrome-like weakness and numbness for up to 80% of patients, the Journal of Neurologic­al Sciences reports. Vitamin B-12 helps your nerves function at their peak, says study coauthor Tom Kanoko, PH.D.

3 Often chilly and sluggish? Try iodine

Been avoiding salt? You may be low in iodine, a mineral that helps keep your body energized and warm! Taking a 100-mcg. iodine supplement daily (or adding 1/2 tsp. of iodized salt to your daily diet) can correct a shortfall, ending tiredness and chills within three months, reports the British Journal of Nutrition.

4 Skin rashy? Try biotin

Biotin repairs skin cells, which is why a shortfall of this B vitamin can trigger flaky skin, scalp rashes and cracks in the corners of the lips. Rx: Canadian research reveals that taking a daily multivitam­in containing 40 mcg. to 60 mcg. of biotin (such as Centrum Women 50+, $6.74, Jet. com) could optimize your level of this B vitamin, improving your skin and scalp in 90 days.

5 Muscle tics or cramps? Try magnesium

Magnesium helps your muscles contract properly when you’re in motion— and relax properly when you’re not, says Robin Miller, M.D., author of Healed. So it’s no wonder 85% of us get muscle tics, cramps or Charley horses if our levels dip! Rx: 400 mg. of a magnesium supplement daily.

“I become discourage­d quickly, and every diet I tried before A-list was boring and unmotivati­ng,” says New York mom Caterina Prestano, 56. Atkins was one of those diets—so she was skeptical when Dr. Pescatore described his plan and it sounded similar. “To my surprise, adding amino acids did the trick,” she says. Enjoying lots of eggs, seafood and meaty chili, “I lost 10 pounds the first week and 20 pounds the first month—and I felt so energized!” Today she’s down 45 pounds and still losing. “I’m ecstatic!”

Caterina’s best tip:

Check the freezer section! “You’ll find lots of new types of fish to try—and there’s usually a great recipe on the package!”

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