Woman's World

Easter Swirl Cupcakes


Pretty swirls of pink, yellow and blue dress up double white chocolate cupcakes for spring!

CUPCAKES 1 pkg. (15.25 oz.) white cake mix

1 pkg. (1 oz.) instant sugar free, fat free white chocolate pudding mix

4 egg whites 1/2 cup oil

1/4 cup orange juice

1 tsp. grated orange zest

Blue, red and yellow liquid food colorings

FROSTING 2 1/2 cups butter, at room temperatur­e

1 cup white chocolate chips, melted, cooled slightly

5 cups confection­ers’ sugar, from 2 (16 oz.) pkgs.

1/3 cup milk

2 tsp. vanilla extract

● Cupcakes: Preheat oven to 350°F. Line 18 muffin cups with cupcake liners. On low speed, beat cake mix, pudding mix, 3/4 cup water, egg whites, oil, orange juice and zest until combined, 30 seconds; on medium, beat 2 minutes. Evenly divide among three bowls, about 1 1/3 cups batter per bowl. Tint one bowl light blue, one bowl light pink and remaining bowl light yellow with food colorings. Spoon about 1 Tbs. each blue, pink and yellow batter into each cupcake liner. Lightly swirl batters together. Bake 18-22 minutes or until toothpick inserted into centers comes out clean. Cool 5 minutes; transfer from pans to racks. Cool.

● Frosting: On medium, beat butter until light and fluffy, about 2 minutes. On low, gradually beat in melted white chocolate until blended. Gradually beat in confection­ers’ sugar, then milk and vanilla. On medium, beat until fluffy, 1-2 minutes. Evenly divide frosting among three bowls. Tint one bowl light blue, one bowl light pink and remaining bowl light yellow with food colorings.

● Evenly divide frostings among 3 pastry bags each fitted with star tip (such as Wilton #1B). Alternatel­y pipe frostings in layers on cupcakes, as shown, to create multi-colored swirl.

Servings: 18. Cals.: 611. Protein: 2 g. Fat: 40 g. (21 g. saturated). Trans fat: 1 g. Chol.: 68 mg. Carbs.: 61 g. Sodium: 446 mg. Fiber: 0 g. Sugar: 50 g. Kitchen time: 1 hour, 30 minutes. Total time: 2 hours, 30 minutes.

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