Woman's World

An angel saved her house!

When Woman’s World reader, Wendy Haugh, of Burnt Hills, New York, felt an angel pushing her to visit a neighbor, she never dreamed she’d end up saving her friend’s home! She writes:


Iwas washing dishes when suddenly I heard an unfamiliar but clear voice in my head speak: “Take Carol a copy of your magazine.”

Startled, I froze. I’d recently had a short story published in Woman’s World, and had purchased extra copies to give to my friends. I had delivered some, but hadn’t gotten around to dropping one off to my friend Carol.

Still, I shook off the weird command and continued washing dishes. But the voice spoke again, more urgently this time: “Take Carol a copy of your magazine!”

Carol lived nearby so I headed to her house.

“Had I not listened, Carol’s house could have burned down!” Wendy says

I knew Carol would likely be working in her home office at the back of the house. Sure enough, I found Carol seated at her desk. As she looked up and smiled, I gasped in horror.

Her house is nestled in woods and through the large picture window behind her, I could see a cluster of trees near the house on fire! Red-hot flames were shooting skyward! “Fire!” I cried. Carol turned and, seeing the blaze, quickly dialed 9-1-1. Firefighte­rs arrived in a matter of minutes and the fire was safely extinguish­ed. But it took far longer for Carol and me to stop shaking. For days afterward, my heart pounded in fear every time I thought of what might have happened had I not arrived when I had. Carol could have lost her house!

To this day, there is no doubt in my mind that my guardian angel or Carol’s— or both of ours working together— came to her rescue that day to avert disaster. Even now, I get a chill when thinking about it, but at the same time I am comforted, knowing that angels really do exist. “Wendy is very connected with her guardian angel, and thank goodness, she listened!” says Doreen Virtue, PH.D. “Of course, when angels have an urgent message, they will repeat it until we listen.

“I’m so happy that Wendy understood and responded to the urgency of her angel’s message, even if she didn’t logically understand why. That’s how angel messages work: We are guided to take action, which brings blessings to ourselves and others.

“Most divine guidance comes in the form of strong intuitive feelings, but when there’s an emergency, the angels make their voices clearly heard. Always, a true angel message will be to the point, positive and loving.

“Wendy’s story is an example of how Heaven enlists those of us who are willing to help as Earth angels. If you receive a strong, repetitiou­s inner message, which calls you to take positive action, please do so without delay or hesitation. As Wendy demonstrat­ed, the angels will guide you to be in the right place at the right time.

“The angels say, ‘ We work with you, and together we bring Heavenly love and protection to everyone on Earth.’ ”

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