Woman's World

“Help me burn fat faster!”

Tired of staring at a scale that just won’t move? Try these tricks … and watch your weight-loss goals come into reach!

- —Nancy Coveney

1 Sip away the pounds! Get an early caffeine boost!

That morning cup of joe not only helps get you up and running, it stimulates your nervous system, raising your metabolism 10%! Not a coffee drinker? Drink green tea: Its combinatio­n of caffeine and antioxidan­ts increases metabolism even more. Women in one study who drank a few cups daily lost an average of three pounds in 12 weeks!

Add ice to get slimmer!

An easy way to send fat packing? Sip your water on the rocks! Drinking just six cups of cold water daily guarantees you’ll torch an extra 50 calories, enough to lose five extra pounds a year. The reason is simple: Your body has to work harder to warm icy water!

Break down fat with vinegar!

Just a little bit of this kitchen staple can slim you down! Turns out, the acetic acid in apple cider vinegar releases enzymes that break down fat. “One or two tablespoon­s a day is all you need to boost your metabolism,” confirms nutritioni­st Molly Morgan, R.D. And that’s not all: Vinegar improves gut bacteria, which also amps up metabolism! Simply stir vinegar into a glass of water, add honey to taste and drink daily. Or mix it with olive oil for a slimmer salad dressing!

2 Up the burn with food! Start your day sunny-side up!

Research shows that eating eggs in the morning revs fat burn! In fact, studies found that women who ate eggs for breakfast lost twice as much weight as those who ate bagels instead. The protein in eggs slows digestion and keeps blood sugar steady for hours, holding cravings at bay. “Protein also provides the essential amino acids that are key to building fat-burning muscle,” says weight- loss specialist Caroline Apovian, M.D.

Fix your metabolism with iron!

Low iron is the most common nutritiona­l deficiency in women of all ages, and that’s key: “Iron is an essential mineral that supports metabolism, so having an adequate amount boosts fat-burning,” explains Morgan. Aim to get about 8 mg. iron from food daily, since it’s easy to overdo it with supplement­s. Try chicken liver (11 mg. per 3-oz. serving), soybeans (9 mg. per cup) or spinach (6 mg. per cup).

Curb cravings with omega-3s!

Healthy omega-3 fats are not just good for your heart, they actually burn fat by prompting your body to use calories more efficientl­y! Take a 1,000-mg. fish oil supplement daily or enjoy a serving of fatty fish, such as salmon or tuna, twice weekly. “Flaxseeds are another good source,” says Dr. Apovian. “I grind them to put into shakes.” Note: Check with your doctor before taking a new supplement.

D-lete ab flab!

Vitamin D primes cells for fat-burning, so if you’re low in it, there’s a high chance you’ll develop stubborn fat, especially around your waist, says Dr. Apovian. Pairing it with calcium boosts the benefit, speeding weight loss by up to 70% in one study. Try a daily 1,000-mg. dose of D and three servings of calcium-rich foods, such as cheese, yogurt and kale.

Add the spice that subtracts fat!

Hard to believe but just adding 1/2 teaspoon of cumin powder to your lunch and to your dinner can triple your weight loss, reveals a study of 88 women. Tip: Cumin’s lemony, nutty taste wakes up yogurt, as well as Tex-mex and Indian dishes.

3 Lose with easy moves! Shorten your workouts!

Only have 10 minutes to exercise? “You can still get effective results,” reveals fitness expert Amanda Russell. Alternate between an all-out effort (such as fast walking or bike pedaling) for 30 seconds, followed by 30 seconds at a slower pace. Do it 10 times.

Enjoy an outdoor advantage! Enjoying spring’s beauty by exercising outdoors gives your metabolism an effortless 10% boost— even if you move at the exact same pace as you would indoors! Turns out, factors like the force of a bit of wind or using your muscles to stay balanced on uneven ground make your body work harder than you realize!

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