Woman's World

Snack away insomnia!

- —Kallie E. Kristensen

Not getting enough sleep can lead to a host of problems, including weight gain, premature aging and poor memory— even a shorter life! And while it’s well-known that getting eight hours of shuteye per night is ideal for most of us, we typically log only six-and-a-half hours— or less. How can you get more sleep? Easily!

Induce drowsiness with a banana!

Eating one banana about two hours before bed helps promote sleep, thanks to its abundance of magnesium, nature’s nerve and muscle relaxant. Plus, bananas pack lots of tryptophan, an amino acid that your body converts into the sleep-supporting compound melatonin. “The combinatio­n of a banana, and a small amount of protein, such as a tablespoon of peanut butter, works even better,” says Shelby Harris, Psy.d., director of the Montefiore Medical Center’s Behavioral Sleep Medicine Program in the Bronx.

Use a blue light phone filter!

Looking at the blue light from your phone or tablet disrupts your body’s natural sleep cycle-synching circadian rhythms, even hours after you’ve put down the device. “Melatonin, the hormone of darkness that induces sleepiness, starts to come out about two hours before your regular bedtime,” says Dr. Harris. “Melatonin doesn’t like light and really dislikes blue light.” Try to avoid screen time for at least an hour before bed. Can’t? Enable your smartphone’s bluelight filter (called Night Shift on iphone or the Twilight filter for Android) to filter out the wavelength­s that tell your body to stay alert!

Have your nightcap earlier!

Contrary to popular belief, “alcohol does not help us sleep better,” says Dr. Harris. While it’s true that it can prompt you to fall asleep faster, it sets you up for waking up when its effects wear off, resulting in a restless night deprived of deep slumber! Aim to avoid wine or spirits for three hours before bed.

Take your multivitam­in in the morning!

Many of the nutrients in multivitam­ins, especially B vitamins, have a stimulatin­g, energizing effect, which means that taking them before bed can keep you up! Get yourself on a routine to take your multi with your breakfast each morning.

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