Woman's World

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His eyes held hers and Kelsey’s heart skipped a beat!

- —Mary Davis

Hey, batter, batter.”

Steve Dolan turned to find Kelsey Simmons smiling at him from across a display of planters in the hardware store. There was a mischievou­s twinkle in her blue eyes.

“Are you taunting the batter already?” He hefted a bag of grass seed into his shopping cart.

Kelsey laughed as she put a pair of clay pots into her own cart. “Not at all. I was just wondering if the Heavy Hitters are ready to take on the Pink Socks.” She smiled. “You know, the reigning champs.” “We are so ready for a rematch.” “Been practicing, huh?” “You bet, and I plan to knock a few out of the park. Are you worried?” he returned with a grin.

“The only thing I’m worried about is bruising your ego.”

Steve was barely able to resist stealing a kiss

“Not a chance.” He laughed. “Number 64 always leaves his ego at home.”

“Good to know.” Kelsey offered him a shy smile. “Well, I guess I’ll see you Saturday, right?”

“Absolutely.” As she turned to leave he made a split-second decision. Today was the day to step out of his comfort zone. “Hey, Kelsey.” She met his gaze. “Yes?” “Are you going to the season kickoff party Saturday night?”

“Oh, I don’t know. Probably not.”

“Why not? It’s always fun.”

She moved her cart closer and lowered her voice. “I’m sort of an introvert. I love softball, but I don’t do crowds.”

“I’d have never guessed that. You always seem so outgoing.”

“Years of practice,” she said with a chuckle.

“Tell you what. How about if we go together? I’ll pick you up, and if you feel uncomforta­ble, we can leave whenever you give me a nudge.”

She met his gaze and considered his words for a moment. “You’re sure that wouldn’t spoil your evening?” “Oh, I’m sure.” “All right,” Kelsey said. “Then I guess it’s a . . .” She paused, her face pink with embarrassm­ent. “It’s a date,” he finished. The Pink Socks were every bit as good this year as they were last year, Steve observed from the dugout on Saturday.

Bottom of the last inning, bases loaded, and Kelsey continued to do an amazing job on the pitcher’s mound. Steve started getting concerned when she struck out the player before him.

He grabbed his bat and began to warm up on home plate. Across the field, Kelsey adjusted the brim of her cap and began her windup.

No one was more surprised than he was when she released and the ball connected with his bat with a resounding crack! His teammates went wild as he rounded first, sailed past second and third for a home run. Though the small victory was sweet, the Heavy Hitters still lost.

He looked for Kelsey after the game, but the Pink Socks had rallied around their pitcher, so he began the trek to his car.

“Steve,” Kelsey called minutes later. “Wait up.” He grinned. “Congrats.” “Thanks. So, about tonight . . . ” He stopped. “Are you going to renege on our date because you won the game?”

“Not at all. I wasn’t sure you’d still want to go out with me.”

“Tell me one thing,” he said. “That pitch. You weren’t going easy on me, were you?”

She looked at him, realizatio­n dawning in her eyes. “Are you asking if I threw away a pitch?” “I guess I am,” he muttered. “Did it ever occur to you I might have a crush on number 64?”

He looked at her, his eyes widening.

“And that being the case,” she continued, “I was so nervous that the ball slipped from my hands before I was quite ready to slam you with a fastball. My plan was to strike you out.”

“Really?” He shook his head, trying to take it all in.

When she nodded and her lips curved in a sweet smile, he barely resisted stealing a kiss.

“So, we’re on for tonight?” he asked. “Yes,” she murmured. “And maybe . . . ” “Maybe?” “Maybe sometime you can show me that fastball of yours.”

His eyes held hers, and Kelsey’s heart skipped a beat.

“I’d love to.” She laughed and held out her hand to demonstrat­e. “It’s all in the wrist action.”

Steve smiled and gently took her hand in his as they headed to the parking lot. “I bet it is, Kelsey. I bet it is.”

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