Woman's World

Tired all the time? Not anymore!

- —Brenda Kearns

We often blame fatigue on our busy lives, but a new study suggests that 83% of women who feel tired most days actually have an undiagnose­d nutrient shortfall! Try:

● B-12 if your memory is foggy

At least 40% of us are deficient in vitamin B-12, a nutrient essential for both energy production and memory formation, reports the Journal of Biomedical Science. The best sources of B-12 are meat, cheese and other animal products—yet this nutrient is difficult to absorb from those foods after age 50, when digestive enzyme production naturally drops, says study coauthor Anvita Kale, PH.D.

Energizing Rx: Taking 1,000 mcg. of sublingual (the kind that melts under your tongue) B-12 daily can give you the energy, stamina

and brain function you had 10 years ago, often within one month, Tufts University research shows.

Choline if your blood sugar is creeping up

Telltale clues that your level of this essential, yet seldom-discussed nutrient has dipped too low? Chronic tiredness, carb cravings, hunger pangs and other signs of high blood sugar, since choline energizes your nervous system, and heals and strengthen­s your insulin-producing pancreas. ■ Energizing Rx: In one study, eating two large eggs daily erased choline deficienci­es for almost every woman—boosting each one’s energy and lowering her blood sugar in about six weeks. Prefer a supplement? Take 425 mg. to 500 mg. daily.

● Vitamin D-3 if you get the blues frequently

Often feel tired, plus prone to blue moods? Your body could be craving the “sunshine” nutrient, vitamin D- 3. It helps your brain make hormones that improve moods, reduce stress and keep you feeling upbeat and energized, says Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D., author of Real Cause, Real Cure.

■ Energizing Rx: Soak up 20 minutes of sunlight daily—without sunscreen—and your skin will make all the D-3 you need. Or take a 1,000-IU to 3,000-IU supplement daily. ●

Magnesium if you tend to sleep restlessly

During the day, magnesium stimulates your brain to produce energizing beta waves. At night, it ups your production of the sleep hormone melatonin. No wonder daytime fatigue and sleep woes are red flags of a shortfall! ■ Energizing Rx: Taking 400 mg. of magnesium daily can cut your tiredness 50%, plus help you sleep soundly within a week. Eating 1/2 cup of nuts and two cups of leafy greens daily—both great sources of this mineral—also works.

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