Woman's World


stop headaches before they start!


1 Cutting your risk 50% with a nutrient duo

Taking 400 mg. of magnesium and 2,000 IU of vitamin D-3 daily can halve your risk of tension headaches, report Finnish researcher­s. Magnesium and D-3 relax tense neck and scalp muscles, preventing painful spasms. Important: Always check with your doctor before starting a new supplement. ■ Tip: If you get at least 10 minutes of strong sun exposure every day—without sunscreen— you can skip the vitamin D-3 because your body will be making its own!

2 Controllin­g cortisol with hibiscus tea

Drinking two cups of this herbal brew daily (it’s naturally sweet and especially delicious iced) helps chase away summer headaches in as little as 72 hours. Hibiscus tea is rich in flavonoids, nutrients that, according to the Journal of Ethnopharm­acology, help your adrenal glands reduce their production of the headache-triggering stress hormone cortisol.

3 Boosting serotonin with berries

Eating one cup of berries daily can cut your pain 35% in two weeks, Australian research shows. Compounds in berries, called anthocyani­ns, prod your brain to make the calming, painreliev­ing hormone serotonin.

4 Stopping migraines with evening strolls

Fitting in 40 minutes of exercise three times weekly prevents summer migraines as effectivel­y as side-effect laden Rxs, research in the journal Cephalalgi­a reveals. Physical activity prompts the release of your body’s own painkillin­g endorphins, says study coauthor Emma Varkey, PH.D.

5 Soothing pain nerves with salads

Eating a heaping cup of leafy greens daily could ease headaches 35% in three weeks, say experts at the Physicians Committee for Responsibl­e Medicine. Polyphenol­s in greens reduce painful inflammati­on in the brain’s blood vessels.

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