Woman's World


just by eating more of the “wonder fruit”!

- —Nancy Coveney

1 Beat the sweets! Keep cravings away with an apple a day!

An apple a day doesn’t just keep the doctor away, it also keeps your inner “cookie monster ” away! Apples are rich in pectin, a fiber that keeps you fuller longer and helps prevent sugar cravings. To make your apple more of a treat, “slice it and top it with cinnamon or ginger, flavorful spices study-proven to keep blood sugar stable and cut cravings for sweets,” suggests Eve Schaub, author of Year of No Sugar.

End soda cravings with H2O!

Miss sipping sweet sodas? Drinking water can quiet those cravings! That’s because dehydratio­n triggers cravings for sweets—and nearly 80% of us are mildly dehydrated right now! “If water seems too plain, infuse a pitcher of it with a few sliced strawberri­es and a handful of mint leaves for a delicious drink,” Schaub suggests.

Avoid sugar “sneaks”!

Just because you’ve ditched dessert, doesn’t mean you’ve ditched sugar! It’s added to 74% of packaged foods, including those you don’t think of as sweet, such as bread and pasta sauces, which could fuel a sweet-tooth attack without your knowing why! The fix: Check labels for words like “fructose” and “sucrose”, says Schaub. “There are 60 different names for sugar!” Find a complete list at Sugarscien­ce.ucsf.edu.

2 KO cravings with protein power! Calm your inner carnivore!

Have you cut back on red meat to avoid unhealthy saturated fat— but can’t stop thinking about steaks and burgers? Chances are what you’re really craving is protein, explains nutritioni­st Rachel Begun. “Just eating more lean chicken or fish, or plant proteins like beans and nuts, will slash those cravings,” she says. Begun’s top pick? “Canned tuna and salmon! Both are excellent sources of protein and are just as nutritious as fresh fish at a fraction of the cost. They also give you a boost of heart-healthy omega-3s!”

Revamp your recipes!

Just because you’re cutting back on red meat doesn’t mean you have to miss out on your favorite dishes, notes dietitian Karen Smith. “You may not realize how easy it is to swap out meat and replace it with veggies or a protein like tofu in your favorite casseroles,” she says. Use ground chicken or lentils in spicy dishes, such as chili and tacos. And use mashed tofu in baked dishes, suggests Smith. “It’s a complete source of protein, plus iron and calcium, without all the saturated fat in meat. People think it’s ricotta cheese when they eat it in lasagna!”

3 Stop carb cravings! Indulge the right way!

“I’m a big believer in treating yourself to the best quality version of that food when a craving hits,” says Begun. “If you really want pasta, for example, have a half cup of wholewheat spaghetti with a little olive oil or tomato sauce.” Whole grains take longer to raise blood sugar and are more satisfying than refined white pasta.

Get gluten-free goodies!

Surprise! “Just because something is labeled ‘gluten-free’ doesn’t mean that it’s good for you or will be satisfying,” Begun notes. Check labels and pass up foods that contain added sugars. Opt instead for gluten-free, ready-to- eat products or baking mixes made with flour from brown rice, nuts like almonds or legumes like chickpeas. “They provide fiber, vitamins and minerals, and foods made from these flours have a satisfying, rich texture,” she says.

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